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"Hey I, come here for a second." Carrie shouted to her son from her bedroom.

"What?" Isaiah came bouncing in from his room.

"How would you like to surprise your dad at his game tonight in West Virginia?" Carrie said, Isaiah sitting down on the bed beside her.

"Really? Yes! Can we?"

"Yeah! You don't have school tomorrow and I don't have any meetings or shows. I don't know about you, but I miss him!" Carrie laughed. Carrie and Mike had been together for five months now and Mike and Isaiah were closer than ever. Isaiah knew that Mike and Carrie were a couple, so the three spent most of their time together. Mike was at their house for dinner almost every night and Isaiah had even spent the night at Mike's house a few times.

"I miss him too! It's weird not having him here for dinner every night!" Isaiah said. Mike had been on an away game streak for almost two weeks now.

"Well let's go! Go pack your bags, we can make it just in time for the game." Carrie ruffled his hair, smiling as he took off back to his room.

An hour later Carrie and Isaiah were in the car headed to the airport. Carrie's cell phone started ringing, so she picked it up without even looking at who it was.


"Hey! How's my favorite lady?" Mike said happily.

"Hey." Carrie cooed. "How are you?"

"I'm good, we're just getting ready for the game. What are you up too?"

"Um not much, just getting some stuff done around the house." Carrie lied. Isaiah laughed in the background.

"Oh good, it needs cleaning!" He chuckled. "I can't wait to be home, I miss you."

"We miss you here too! We're excited for the game tonight."

"Me too! I think we're probably going to win so that's always good." Mike said.

Carrie pulled into the airport, stopping the car. "Awesome! Hey I've got to go, but I'll talk to you after the game. Good luck!"

"Thank you. Tell Isaiah I said hey. I love you both." Mike said, blowing a kiss into the phone.

"We love you too, bye." Carrie smiled.

"Mom you lied to him!" Isaiah laughed, following her across the parking lot.

"Shh, I didn't lie, I just didn't tell him the whole truth. He'll find out eventually."

Carrie and Isaiah arrived at the arena with just enough time to spare to see Mike before the game.

Carrie found a security guard and asked him to go find Mike and tell him there was someone there to see him. She held Isaiah's hand, waiting in the lobby against the wall watching for him to come out.

Mike walked out into the lobby with a confused look on his face. He eyed his girlfriend and son over to the side and immediately lit up.

"Oh my goodness, what are you guys doing here?"

"Surprise!" Carrie laughed. Isaiah rushed over to him, jumping into his arms. Mike held Isaiah in one arm and pulled Carrie into his embrace with the other.

"We missed you too much." Carrie gushed, putting her hand on his chest and kissing him.

"I can't believe you guys are here! I've missed you so much!"

"We missed you more!" Isaiah said happily.

"Were you on the way here when I talked to you?"

Carrie laughed, nodding her head shamelessly. "Sorry, I lied."

"You stinker. I can't believe you pulled this off." Mike rolled his eyes and laughed.

"We just decided this morning. Isaiah doesn't have school tomorrow and I had a big record label meeting that got canceled so since we were both free I thought it'd be fun to surprise you." Carrie smiled.

"I love you" Mike cooed, putting his hand on the small of her back and kissing her.


"Ewww" Carrie and Mike mocked Isaiah, both attacking his cheeks with kisses.

"Stop it! Stop it!" He giggled, swatting them away.

"I sure have missed you two. I'm glad you're here."

"You've said that already daddy!" Isaiah laughed.

"Because it's true." Mike tapped his nose and smiled. "Alright, I have to go get ready. I'll see you two after the game. Still can't believe you're here. I love you both."

Mike kissed Isaiah's cheek and sat him down. He pulled Carrie in for a hug, giving her a quick kiss.

"I love you too." She smiled, giving him another kiss.

"Come on I, let's go." Carrie held her hand out and led Isaiah out of the lobby. They weaved through the people and found their seats.

After the game, Carrie and Isaiah waited until most of the people had left so she didn't get caught by fans. Unfortunately, they lost 3-2. Carrie knew Mike was going to be pretty bummed out about it, they really thought they were going to win.

By the time they got to their hotel, Isaiah was sound asleep in the backseat. Carrie pulled him out gently and carried him inside. She got the key from the woman at the front desk and found their room.

"How did you beat me here?" Carrie laughed, entering the room to see her boyfriend waiting on her.

"I wanted to get out of there and see you." He smiled, standing up. "Is he out?"

"Out like a light."

Mike took Isaiah from her arms, carrying him into the bedroom of their suite.

"Just let him sleep, no need to wake him." Mike pulled the covers up over him and shut the light off and left the room.

"I'm sorry about the game tonight, I know you guys thought you were going to win." Carrie sighed, placing her hands on his chest.

"It's okay, we can't win them all right?" Mike shrugged, faking a smile.

Carrie frowned. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It doesn't matter, I'm just happy you're here." Mike wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled. He caressed her cheek with his thumb. "So, so, happy."

Carrie grinned, rising to her tip toes and kissing him softly. "Win or lose, I'm still proud of you."

"Gosh" Mike whispered, pulling her closer and kissing her passionately. "I love you so so much."

A/N- hey y'all, so sorry I've been so slow on updates. I moved into college two weeks ago and I completely forget about this story and posting it every couple days! I'll try to be better about it! Hope you're still enjoying!

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