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"Are you almost ready?"

Mike entered Carrie's room where she was standing in front of the mirror staring at herself.

"Hm?" She looked up from her trance, wiping her face off. She tried to hide the fact that she was about to cry. "Yeah, just a second."

"Are you okay?" Mike asked, stepping closer to her. He took her hand gently, forcing her to look at him.

Carrie looked deep into his eyes and bit down on her tongue. She took a deep breath in and released it slowly.

"I need you to promise me you're never going to get drunk and sleep with another woman again. I need you to promise, and I need you to mean it." Carrie's voice shook as she spoke. The lump in her throat was growing with each word she said as she held back tears.

Mike was stunned by her question. It was the last thing he'd expected. He looked into her eyes, which were now filled with tears, and felt his heart break.

"I promise." Mike said softly. He brought his hand up to her face and wiped away a tear from her eye with his thumb. "I promise I will never go out and get drunk again, period."

Carrie nodded, sniffling as another tear slipped from her eyes.

"I won't ever take another sip of alcohol again. I promise." Mike assured her.

Carrie nodded, forcing a smile to her lips. Her wet tears still brimmed on the edge of her eyes.

"I love you." Mike cupped her cheeks and kissed her slowly. "I'm never going to hurt you again."

Carrie smiled. "I love you too."

"Still want to go out?" Mike was taking Carrie out for a nice dinner. It had been three days since the studio incident and since they'd gotten back together. Isaiah was at a friend's house for the night.

"Yes." She grinned. "Just let me grab my shoes and purse."

"You look gorgeous." Mike said, sitting down on the edge of their bed. He watched Carrie slip into her heels and buckle them up.

"Thanks." She blushed. She grabbed her purse off the vanity and threw her phone in it. "Let's go."

She followed him down the stairs and out to his car. Mike helped her up into his truck, closing the door behind her and running around to get in the drivers seat.

When the arrived, he took her hand and smiled as they walked in.

"Reservation for Fisher."

"Right this way." The young blonde smiled, picking two menus up and leading them to a table near the back.

Mike pulled Carrie's seat out for her, pushing it back in once she was seated and sitting down across from her.

"I'm so glad to have you back." A smile appeared on Mike's face as he looked at Carrie across the table.

"Me too." She smiled back, taking a sip of wine. "I missed you so much."

"I know it wasn't for the best of circumstances, but I'm really glad you came to me." Mike said. "You shouldn't have to go through something like that alone. I'm glad I could be here for you."

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