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"We shouldn't have done this. You need to leave."

Carrie ran frantically around the room, trying to get her clothes back on.

"Carrie. Carrie calm down." Mike grabbed her shoulders and stopped her.

"I can't calm down! Mike, we just had sex. SEX. I haven't seen you in seven years and we just had sex. I don't do this. I don't sleep with people like it's nothing, you know that. We shouldn't have done this. We don't even know each other anymore. We're living two separate lives and we haven't even sat down and talked yet. We can't have sex. We shouldn't have done this." Carrie rambled, her heart racing a thousand miles her minute.

"Please, just leave." She added, cutting him off before he could say anything else.

"Care can we please talk?"

"Mike, I can't. Not right now. Please just go." She looked him in the eyes and he noticed the tears.

Mike nodded. "I'm sorry. I'll call you tomorrow? I still want to talk."

Carrie nodded, sitting back down on the couch. Her head rested in her hands. "I want to talk too. I just, not tonight."

"I understand. I'm sorry." Mike bent down and kissed her forehead then exited the room.

Carrie watched the door shut behind him, not moving from her spot. She felt numb.

Tears started falling from her eyes, silently slipping down her face. She let her head fall back into her hands as her body started to shake with tears.

She didn't know why she'd let it happen. She knew it was wrong. Her brain kept telling her to stop, but her body told her otherwise. She hadn't realized how much she missed his lips on hers, how much she missed his hands on her, how much she missed him.

She looked at the clock, seeing that it was 12:15 at night. She knew it was late, but she couldn't go home. She needed to talk to her best friend.

She drove down the practically empty highway, blaring her music until she pulled into the driveway of the familiar home.

Knocking on the door, it took a minute for the door to open.

"Carrie?" Ivey yawned, wrapping her robe tighter around her body. "What are you doing here? It's almost one in the morning."

"I slept with Mike." Carrie said flatly, showing absolutely no emotion.

Ivey's eyes widened as the words she'd just heard registered in her head.

"Come on in." She opened the door wider, stepping aside so Carrie could come inside. Ivey knew it was time for one of their famous late night talks. "I'll make coffee."

Carrie followed her in, keeping her arms crossed over her chest. Neither said anything as they went into the kitchen. Carrie sat down on a barstool while Ivey made coffee quietly.

"I'm sorry." Carrie mumbled, looking at the ground when Ivey turned back to face her while the coffee was making.

"It's okay." Ivey said softly. She got the cream and sugar out of the fridge and poured the coffee into the mugs. She handed Carrie a mug and they both made their way over to the couch.

"Now, tell me what happened." Ivey sat criss crossed on the couch facing Carrie. Carrie sat the same way on the other end.

"I don't know. I slept with him. We had sex." Carrie sighed, setting her coffee in her lap.

Carrie proceeded to tell Ivey the whole story, from when he walked into the meet and to her yelling at him to leave.

Ivey took a deep breath, not knowing how to reply at all.

"Holy shit Carrie."

"I know." She sighed, looking at her best friend. "I don't know what got into me."

Ivey thought again for a second. "Do you want to get back together with him?"

"No. I don't know. Maybe."

"I'm so stupid. I can't believe I let him do that to me. I knew better." Carrie felt tears start to fill her eyes but tried not to let them fall.

"You can't beat yourself up about this Care. You're just vulnerable right now. You two need to sit down and talk about things. It sounds like he wants to make amends with you, be back in your life. You just need to take it slow and talk to him first." Ivey said calmly.

"I know that! I knew that tonight! But he messes with my head, as soon as he touched me I forgot everything and lost the ability to say stop."

"Just talk to him from the other side of the room tomorrow and don't let him come near you." Ivey laughed.

"Shut up." Carrie cracked a smile for the first time.

"Carrie? What are you guys doing?" Mark rubbed his eyes as he walked down the stairs to see what the noise was.

"Sorry. We didn't mean to wake you. We're just having some girl talk." Ivey told him.

"It's 2 in the morning." He raised an eyebrow and scratched his head. He was still half asleep.

"We know." Ivey chuckled. "It was important. Just go back to sleep babe. I'll be up in a bit."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, we're fine. Just go back to bed." Ivey smiled. Mark rolled his eyes in confusion and turned back to go upstairs. He never understood their weird girl habits.

"I should go. It's the middle of the night, you need your sleep." Carrie said, setting her coffee on the table.

"No, It's okay. You can stay as long as you want. I'm all ears." Ivey stated, looking at her best friend.

Carrie bit her bottom lip, looking out the window.

"I think about what it would be like if we were together again all the time. I miss him so much. I know I shouldn't, but I think if he asked to get back together I would say yes without even thinking. I just miss him so much. I miss him all the time." Carrie started to cry.

Ivey didn't say anything. Instead, she pulled her into her embrace and let her cry in her arms.

"Just let it out. We'll figure all of this out. It'll all work out I promise." Ivey assured her, rubbing her back as she let out the tears she'd been holding in.

Eventually Carrie ran out of tears and both girls fell asleep on the couch after a long much needed late night talk.

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