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"Mommy can I go to the studio with you today?"

"You'll be bored Isaiah! It's just going to be a lot of sitting, you don't want to do that!" Carrie laughed, placing his lunch in front of him.

"Yes huh! I like to watch you sing." He took a sip of milk as he spoke.

"You're so sweet." Carrie smiled. "But it's not going to be exciting today. We have to do the nitty gritty stuff for the background and extra vocals today. I promise, you'll be bored out of your mind."

"But I wanna be with you!" Isaiah frowned.

"We can do something tonight, I promise. But for now, trust me you're going to have a much better time playing at Caleb's house." Carrie kissed his forehead and went back to the kitchen to clean up.

"Mama can I ask you something?" Isaiah asked, handing Carrie his plate when he finished.

"Of course, you can ask me anything buddy." Carrie smiled, putting the plate in the dishwasher.

"Now that you and dad are together, do you think God will give me a baby brother?" He climbed up onto the barstool seat in front of his mom.

"I don't know Izzy, maybe." Carrie forced herself to smile and not look completely thrown off by the question.

"I hope so. I mean you love each other and Caleb said that when two people love each other God gives them a baby. So he needs to give you another baby since you have Daddy now." Isaiah said innocently.

Carrie felt her heart strings pull. It had been two weeks and Carrie still hadn't told him they weren't together anymore. She couldn't find it in her to break his heart like that. She knew she had to at some point, but she kept putting it off until she had too. She'd made up excuses as to why he wasn't coming to dinner and let Isaiah do things with him alone.

"I guess we'll see." Carrie smiled through her teeth. "Go get your shoes on, it's almost time to go."

Carrie watched him walk away as she dried a plate. She let out a deep sigh. If only he knew.

Isaiah came back down with his shoes on and waited for his mom to get ready to leave. Once Carrie cleaned up the kitchen, she grabbed her purse and the two headed out.

Carrie dropped her son off at Caleb's house and then headed to Mark's house to pick him up.

"Helloooooo, ready to work today?" Mark said happily as he hopped into Carrie's car.

"Not as ready as you Mr. Peppy." She laughed.

"Just happy to get out of the house. Ivey's in a terrible mood."

"How come?" Carrie pulled out onto the highway, headed to the studio.

"Don't ask me." Mark shrugged. "She woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something."

"Maybe she'll be better when we finish." Carrie chuckled. "Girls get moody, you know that."

"You're bet I do, Ivey's the queen of moody." Mark rolled his eyes and laughed. "How have you been?"

"Okay I guess. Getting a little better at not thinking about Mike twenty four hours a day." Carrie shrugged.

Mark frowned. "I'm so sorry Care. I really am. I still can't believe he did that."

"I just wish I hadn't let Isaiah get so close to him. It makes it so much harder. I can't tell him that we're not together, I don't want to break his heart. I keep making stupid excuses and only letting him see Mike without me. I don't want him to have to live the life of a divorced kid." Carrie let out a deep sigh.

"You know, I know having separated parents isn't ideal, but I think Isaiah would rather have Mike in his life like that than not at all. Asshole or not, Mike is a good father. You can't argue that one."

"I know, I know." Carrie groaned. "I just hate seeing him so often. It hasn't gotten any easier."

Carrie pulled into the parking lot and the two hopped out.

"It'll get easier with time Care. I promise." Mark pulled her into a hug, stopping her from walking into the studio. Although Carrie had covered it well, Mark could easily tell Carrie was on the verge of tears after their conversation.

"Thank you." Carrie whispered, squeezing him tight before pulling away. "It looks like we beat them here. Let's go on in and get settled."

Carrie and Mark walked into the studio building, riding the elevator up to the second floor where they were recording.

"I'm going to run to the bathroom, I'll be back in a second." Mark said, turning to go into the bathroom. Carrie walked down the rest of the hall and entered the recording studio. She pulled out all of her stuff and got the microphones and headphones situated for herself.

The door busted open, causing Carrie to jump at the noise. She looked up and saw a man dressed in all black aiming a gun straight for her face.

"Put your hands where I can see them and don't move!"

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