Viktuuri week: Neko au

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This is more of hybrid au sorry haha

It was snowy outside, Viktor couldn't help but wrap the jacket around himself more.

A small voice snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked at his side, where a wet box from snow and a small kitten inside.

The kitten was shaking from cold and its furr was wet.

Viktor bit his lip and kneeled down to it. "Hello, little one," he smiled at the cat. It was weird talking to someone that couldn't reply, but he didn't care. "How did you get yourself in this situation?"

The kitten only looked at him, without doing anything and tried to back away in the corner of the box.

Viktor sighed and picked up the soaked kitten, then took off his hat and wrapped it around the kitten, so it's head was peeking out.

"That should warm you up enough, until we get home," Viktor smiled at it and pressed it to his chest, giving it a little more warmth.

The kitten was darker color, almost blinding in with dirty snow and its eyes were such a beautiful shade of brown.

When Viktor arrived, he quickly took off his jacket and his boots, then took the kitten into the bathroom.

"I know cats hate water, but you stink so we'll do this quickly," Viktor said and poured some water into the bath.

Kitten as if it knew what it meant, started hissing at Viktor, but Viktor sighed and put it into the water.

The kitten was scared and didn't let go of Viktor, digging it's claws into his skin, making him yelp. "Try not to kill me, would you?"

He was quickly done, dried off the poor kitten and let it go roam the room a little bit.

He quickly patched his wounds and went to look for the kitten. He found it on his bed, sleeping soundly on the pillow.

He smiled at the sight and took a picture of it, the just moved the pillow carefully not to wake the small creature.

He took another pillow from the closet and lay down next to it.

He was getting quite lonely and he though of buying a dog, but cat would do just well. He missed Makkachin who recently passed away (a/n sorryyyy i love him dont hate me).

With those thoughts, he drifted off to sleep.

"What am I supposed to do now?" a small soft voice asked probably themselves. "If he wakes, he'll freak,"

Viktor moaned and moved from left side to his right and opened one eye, seeing the same brown eyes from a day before, but this time they were in human form.

He screamed.

The man screamed.

They both screamed.

"What the hell?!" Viktor took the pillow under his head and hit the man with it so hard, he fell to the floor.

Viktor only then realized the man was naked and he screamed even more. "Who the hell are you?! I'm pretty sure I did not sleep with anyone yesterday!"

The man quickly covered himself with a blanket and sighed. "Sorry,"

"You didn't answer the question," Viktor said still in shock, too much to notice the small fluffy cat ears on top of the man's head.

"I'm a hybrid," the man said, squeezing the pillow in his hands.

Viktor's eyes widened, finally noticing the cat eats and the tail. "Holy shit,"  was all he could say. "I thought those were a legend,"

"Some of us still exist, but we usually get enslaved and tortured," the man didn't want to make eye contact with Viktor.


"Don't you see?" the man sadly smiled. "We look like animals and animals have no place to be equal to humans,"

Viktor's eyes widened. He slowly stood up and walked to the closet. The hybrid didn't let his eyes wander off the taller male as he took some boxers from the closet.

"These might be too big for you, I'll go and buy something smaller later," he said.

The man seemed surprised and confused. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Weren't you supposed to hate me?"

"I'm not one of them," Viktor smiled. "I'm not gonna torture you, you don't have to be afraid,"

The hybrid stood up and quickly put on boxers, his tail still peeking out of it.

"What's your name?" Viktor asked and smiled at the other.

"Yuuri, mister," he replied.

"Please call me Viktor. I feel old if someone calls me mister," Viktor laughed and throw another shirt to the boy.

Now that Viktor looked at the boy more, he found out how attractive he really was.

"Why has anyone not picked you up?" Viktor asked as he walked to the kitchen a d Yuuri followed him as a lost puppy (kitten).

His shirt was a little big for him, reaching down to the middle of his thighs.

"Not everyone has a good heart, I guess," Yuuri didn't know what to do so he only stood in the middle of the room.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Viktor asked and Yuuri shrugged.

"C'mon, you can say anything," Viktor tried to get Yuuri to talk, just to hear his soft voice.

"Yuuri," Viktor stepped to the boy, when he didn't say anything. "You don't have to be afraid anymore,"

"But I'm only a-a burden," he finally spoke in a quiet voice. "It's what I've been since birth,"

Viktor's eyes widened and he smiled at him. "Then let me assure you now that I will take care of you and nobody can harm you,"

"B-But I will only cause financial problems and won't be any use,"

"I seriously don't have to worry about money, Yuuri. I'm five times world champion in figure skating," he touched Yuuri's arms slowly, assuring him that he won't go anywhere.

"How can you be so nice? I just appeared in your apartment," Yuuri sighed.

"As far as I remember, I was the one who brought you in," Viktor laughed.

"Now help me make something for breakfast. I'm starving,"

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