02. The Five Musketeers

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After 2 years I've seen him, after 2 years I've finally gotten over him. after 2 years I had almost forgot about the pain, and after two years he's come back in my life. To give me nightmares. To haunt me.

He looked so different, so...so tired and worn put. His confident and cocky aura has left him and there are bags under his eyes. He looks horrible. Both me and him had gone through a change and his was for the worst.

I quickly mask my shocked face and put up a neutral expression. "Hello Mr.Anderson, I believe you want to sign a deal with me. So tell me what qualities your company has and I'll sign this deal if it benefits my company." I said sitting on my chair. "A...Alyssa?" He whispered, his eyes not meeting mine.

"No, it's Ms.Johnson to you Mr.Anderson." "You...you have changed so much, Alyssa you've changed so much. Listen Lyss, I am really-"

"Mr.Anderson stop getting of topic. You do not discuss personal matters in an office, especially in a meeting room. I think you know about this fact very well because you never answered my phone call in the office because you were too busy." I recalled.

"Now Mr.Anderson, do you mind focusing on the topic?" "Yes but Alyssa, I really need to tell you this. Just listen to me plea-"

"Leave." I say coldly. "What?" He croaks. "Leave, Mr.Anderson. I do not tolerate people not listening to me in my own meeting room. You lost your chance on the deal. Go find someone else to sign your deal." I say leaving the meeting room leaving him stunned.

After all these years he's back, why? Why is he back in my life that was shattered by him completely? I had gone through so much just to put my life in order again, piece by piece. But he has to come back, and with one look shatter it again.

But I won't let him do this again. I won't let him ruin my life with one look and one command. I won't let him stop me from succeeding. I won't let him stop me from being me. And if he tries I will ruin him. This time it won't be me, this time it will be him who gets ruined. And like he did I will throw him out like a dirty dish rag in seconds.

Watch your back Mr.Anderson


I groan awakening from my 'beauty' sleep. The stupid pings of texts from my phone have disturbed me from my precious sleep.

Lo and behold the texts are from my dear friend John. I decide to call him instead of texting him to express my emotions for waking me up.

"Hello Lyss." His deep voice echoes from the phone. "Johnathan, why are you texting me in this ungodly hour?" I ask. "It's not an ungodly hour it's evening, that's when most normal people are coming home from work or are at home watching TV."

"Are you saying that I'm not normal?" "Your words not mine," He chuckles, "So I was wondering if you want to go to this BBQ joint, there's a game on tonight at eight and some of my other friends are coming too." "You have friends?" I joke. "Just answer the question Lyss." He sighs. "Of coarse I'll come Johnny, bye." "Don't call me Jo-" I hit the end button before he can finish.

I finally get off of the bed and start making coffee. I decide to spend the couple of hours I have to myself by watching Netflix. The favorite things in my life surprise most people I mean of coarse a multi-billionaire girl shouldn't be wearing baggy clothes to the office, riding a motorcycle, eating a lot, and watching lots of TV aren't what a typical multi-billionaire girl does.

But because I am who I am, my company is a huge success-including my snarky comments and sarcastic humor. I sigh and have to pull myself away from the love of my life, a TV show.

Game of Thrones will have to wait tomorrow night, and on today's night I'd be sulking while having a piece of chicken in my hands while watching a sports game.

I finally get dressed into a baggy, baby blue hoodie that comes down to my thighs and leggings to with them. I quickly knot my shoes laces tightly so the chances of me being clumsy and tripping will dwindle down by 0.02 percent.

My phone rings loudly just as I'm about to come out of the house. "What now Johnny?" I huff. "Hurry up! We're late to go to the cl-BBQ place and we're waiting for you outside." "Okay, okay Johnny boy. I'm coming outside in like...two seconds."

I hurry out of my house and run to the two parked cars in my driveway. The gang is back again! All together at last finally! I hadn't seen us together for a while. The doors finally open and they all pile out waiting for me.

"Hello guys! Did ya miss me?" I yell spreading my arms wide apart, my eyes demanding them to hug me. "Of coarse we did. Who wouldn't miss you signorina." Someone whispers in my ear while pulling me into their arms. "Luka? Is that you?" I ask. Struggling free from his grip and turn around to see who has put me in a bone crushing hug.

He indeed is Luka, towering over me in his 6'5 height and his caramel brown hair and amber eyes glowing in the sunset. His tanned arms take hold of me again pulling me into another bone crushing hug.

"Luka...can't breath." I gasp out dramatically and he actually thinks I mean it. His arms snaked around my waist immediately move away and I feel the warmness leave me. He glances at me with a worried expression. "Signorina, are you okay?" That's the moment where I can't take it anymore and burst out into fits of laughter.

"Y...you should h...have seen the look on your f...face." I giggle finally calming down. "Signorina! That's not fair." He pouts. "Your faces don't work on me anymore." I say crossing my arms. "Now come on, I wanna hug Johnny, Tara, and Sid too." I drag him to the others.

We finally finish the greets and decide to finally head to our destination. "So, why are Johnny boy and Tara taking a different car? I mean obviously we all could fit into John's car." I say. Sid suddenly starts to chuckle.

"You haven't told her have you Luka?" Sid asks. "Tell me what?" I ask slowly. "You know that John has been going out with someone." "Yeah, I know. He's been going on and on about this dream girl who he likes, what does this have to do anything with Tara and Johnny another car?" I reply.

"Let's cut to the chase Luka." Sid snaps clearly annoyed by Luka is not being as blunt as he normally is. "Fine, John and Tara are...dating."

"Seriously? I'm so happy for Tara! She used to have a crush on him before!" I say excitedly. As I say this we finally stop in front of our destination.

"You must have taken a wrong turn Luka, we're at a club not a BBQ joint." I say standing in front of the club. "No, this is the right destination Lyss. Why did you think we were going to a BBQ joint?" Luka laughs.

We all get out of the car and I stomp towards johnny and Tara as rhey get out of their car.

"Johnathan Hoff, you little bastard! You told me we were going to a BBQ joint and we are standing in front of a fucking bar!" I glare menacingly. "Ha, cute story actually...you see um I knew you wouldn't agree on coming here so I told you we were going to a BBQ joint and you agreed." He mutters. "Johnathan Hoff, I swear if you weren't one of my best friends I would have slit your throat right now." I hissed.

"Okay, I know John has been a jerk but come on, lets have some fun tonight. We have come all the way here, a foot away from the door!" Tara urges. The decision I am going to make right now might be the worst one in my whole life. "Fine...but just for you guys." "The five musketeers are back again!" We all cheer and go in.

What have I gotten myself into?

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