15.This Will Be Swell

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"Alyssa Johnson, Over here! Are you pregnant with Adam's baby?"

"Are you still dating Tamia Williams, Adam?"

"Is your bachelor life finally over Mr.Henson?"

"Are you pregnant Mr.Henson?"

"How long have you two been dating, Ms.Johnson?"

The paparazzi and the reporters kept firing question after question at us without forgetting to endlessly take blinding photos of us.

Adam took over as he slid his hand into mine and gripped it reassuringly.

"Please. One at a time."

"Mr.Henson, are you dating Alyssa Johnson now?" A blonde woman asked.

"Yes. I am. We have been together a couple weeks now and we were going to announce us being together at the Velderman Gala."

"What are your plans for the future?"

Adam gave a panty-dropping smile for the cameras and said, "Well we have just started dating but I'm sure there will be a lot of...suprises and happiness us to come."

"Are you pregnant Ms.Johnson and what happened to Cole Anderson your previous ex?" Asked a reporter who was a right in my face while taking pictures.

"Its been two weeks. Of course I'm not pregnant! And no further questions. Thank you." I said as me and Adam escaped into his car with the help of his security team.

"Jesus." I huffed as I got into the car and massaged my head with my hand.

I heard a deep chuckle next to me and saw Adam laughing at me.

I glared at him, "What are you laughing at Henson?"

He smiled at me toothily. What an idiot.

"Oh just the fact that you still can't handle all the paparazzi after all these years."

At that comment my face grew dark. I hated media and their need for the hottest gossip and news. What was the point of it all? To get a juicy story so people can comment and post it on media and look at it for two seconds? Why?

The media ruined and continues to ruin lives by gnawing and tearing out such rumors and details mercilessly. The amount of people it's exposed falsely and ruined the relationships of due to false rumors makes me hate all of it. This is why I don't go out much.

"Hey? Alyssa? You alright?" Adam asks concerned.

I regard him with cold eyes. "Fine."

He seems to realize the comment he's made and how I just took it.

"I-Alyssa, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I-"

"It's quite alright Adam I don't know what your making a fuss about." I say a bit pointedly and look out the window.

He takes the hint and sighs.

Two minutes later, I hear him sigh again and call my name.

I look at him, a little calmed down as I had time to absorb the recent events.

"Look I-"

"I didn't-"

We both say at the same time.

"You first"

"You go."

We say again.

I smile a little and nod my head at him telling him to say his bit.

"Look, Alyssa. I'm sorry I said that and made fun of you and all just now. I can't believe I didn't realize what I was laughing at before I did. I just-"

"Adam no, it's okay. I overreacted. I'm sorry too."

"Truce?" He holds out his hand with the toothy smile coming out again.

"Truce." I say as I take his hand.

"Yeah you better forgive me. After all I am your boyfriend." Adam says smugly.

"Don't get ahead of yourself idiot." I say smiling nonetheless.

"So what are you going to do when Cole finds out about all of this?"

I think for a second. He would be devasted. But the darkness of the past creeps back into my thoughts like cracks on ice. With cold resolve I shake my head at Adam. "It doesn't matter. This was to get him off my back. It will do that so what he does after should not be an issue. If he doesn't stop after all this either then he is a bigger fool than I thought."

Adam looks at me a bit stunned. He sees the pent up pain molded into something cold, brutal, and harsh. Something that's been there for years now but something he sees just now.

"What has he done to you." He mutters.

"I take the good out of it. He left me and I was able to come out of this. Lets me know I look out for myself and I can do well for myself." Adam looked at me with pity as I said those words.


"If you are going to say sorry, don't. I've heard enough of that today I think. Let's see each other another day and wipe that mopey face of yours." I say plastering a small grin on.

He tries to smile at me again. We sit in radio silence for a few more minutes until Adam interrupts the silence.

"Hey, do you want to do something else right now? I don't feel like going home."

I look at him quizzically, "What are you suggesting?"

He puts on one of his breathtaking smiles once more, "why not ice skate. Haven't done that for years. I'd say I missed those times."

I stare in horror at him. No, no, no not ice skating of all things. "Can we do something else? Or nothing at all would be better." I say

He studies me for a few moments before sniggering. "Alyssaaaaa." He coos, "do you not know how to skate?"

"I do I just-"

"Nope, I'm not hearing this. We are going to ice skate because we deserve a little fun and if I'm to stay in this deal of ours I need something to amuse myself with. And sorry to say hun, it's all you. And most likely you falling flat on ice." He turns away and taps at the window seperating us and the driver.

"Change of plans Mickey, take us to the nearest ice rink."

I huff and cross my arms as I look out the window, avoiding Adam's eyes. Well this will be swell.

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