04. Movie Night

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Recap: No Luka, I can't keep hiding from him. I'll have to talk to him someday and it's better to get it over with now." I pull my hand free out of his grip and go to face Cole."You and I need to talk, outside. Now." I hiss pulling his arm roughly and taking him outside.

I have to settle things with Cole so he doesn't just go punching random guys again, especially in such public places where there are many, many of witnesses. Why did today have to be one of those bad Mondays, why couldn't life ever give me a fucking break for once?

I tug on his hand roughly pulling him into the deserted parking lot. "Explain." I snap crossing my arms. "Explain what?" He innocently replies, rubbing the back of his neck. He always did that when he got nervous-old habits do die hard.

"Cut the crap Cole and tell my why you punched my poor partner!" I yell. "Why do you think I did it huh? He had his fucking hands all over you! When I knew you were going to a club I knew things would go out of hand and I had to come and stop that little shit from doing anything el-" "Wait, how did you know I was going to a club?" I cut him off.

"I n...never said I knew d...did I? I just...I was there that time at the same club, j...just a coincidence, yeah just a coincidence." He stuttered trying to convince himself of the stupid story he cooked up. "Cole." I warned. "Tell me the truth right now."

"Fine, I might have possibly hired a few privet investigators to get information about you, no biggie." "You hired people to keep tabs on me?" I ask incredulously. "How long has this been going on?" He looks down at his shoes finding them very amusing at the moment. "How long has this been going Cole?" I demand.

"About t...two years." He mumbles. I am so close to pulling my hair out, why the hell has my ex-husband been keeping tabs on me for two years, seriously that only happened in books and movies before but here I am making history.

"Why would you do that you idiot? I am perfectly capable with living life myself without you and your privet investigators." I say raising my voice to a higher level for every word. "Leave me alone Cole, I've had a long, long night tonight so I want to go to bed and I suggest you do the same, goodbye." I say and walk away.

"Wait Lyss." I hear him say, I ignore him and keep walking to Luka's car. Footsteps echo on the pavement and I feel a hard and calloused hand grab my arm. "Wait, please." He begs.

"Didn't you hear the goodnight, now let me go." I whine. "No, listen please." "Fine, go on before I regret saying fine." "Lyss I want you back," Yup totally regret it.

"I realized how stupid, idiotic, moronic, dumb, and whatever other words you can think about me-they probably all fit to describe me. I was all these things combined when I let you go. I was to young at that time to realize that I should have never trusted Jake instead of my own wife. Once I realized that you were telling the truth it was too late to get you back. I beat up myself so much for it. I was always drunk, I starved myself most of the days, never slept a wink, and...and I tried to commit suicide. I can't live without you Alyssa, I need you, I want you. What I'm asking is if you will come back to me, marry me again and I will give you the world if you just come back. I know, I know I don't deserve you at all but please, please just consider taking me back. I still love you Alyssa Johnson and I never will stop loving you."

"No." I say and try to walk away again but just my luck, he stops me for the second time. "Please, Alyssa, please." He pleads.

"No way. You had ruined my life two years ago, you left me homeless, starving and broke. You kicked me to the curb when none of it was my fault. You took away everything from me Cole. And now, now I'm finally happy, I have everything again because I had to work hell and back for money. Do you know how hard it was for me to get a minimum wage job because in every newspaper article there was a heading in bold that said Gold-Digging Ex-Wife of Billionaire Finally Shows Her True Colors. Now I've finally rebuilt my live piece by piece and just when I'm better and have built my life into a beautiful skyscraper you come barging in like a bulldozer and destroy it again. What do you want from me huh?" I screech tears threatening to fall down from my eyes

"I'm sorry, please give me chance." He pleads. "How many times do I have to say no? You called a slut and threw me out of you're house like garbage. What do you expect Cole, me to come running into your open arms? Heck no, open you're eyes and wake up from your dreamworld. I will never get back with you. The answer is no." I say. His eyes glisten with unshed tears, his grip loosens and I pull free. I walk back into the bar to get Luka with all of the strength I can muster to not look back


I stare out the window of Luka's SUV, while Luka just drives silently not trying to pester me about the talk with Cole unlike Tara and John. "Luka?" I sit up suddenly. "Yes Lyss?" He asks not taking his eyes of the road. "Will you stay with me, please?" "What do you mean Lyss?"

"Like the old times, when I broke up with someone, you know the Ben & Jerry's, pillow fights, and watching horror movies." I reminisce. "Sure, Anything for you Lyss."

We sit in comfortable silence for the rest of the ride until he pulls into my driveway carefully. "Luka, has anyone told you you're a really, really slow driver?" I smile pushing the side door open and jumping out.

"Nah, many people probably have thought about it but nobody wanted to tell me cause they were afraid of not being able to speak again." "That threat does not scare me Luka. I know under that tough exterior you are just a cuddly big teddy bear." I say pinching his cheeks.

"You're hurting my ego Lyss." He says dragging me into my house. "Don't care Luka, never have and never will. Now get me some ice cream and popcorn." I demand flopping onto the couch.

"Okay." He grabs the DVD box and drops it into my lap. "Which one do you want to watch." "Fast and furious marathon of coarse." I reply. I start putting the DVD on while Luka goes in the kitchen to make popcorn and get ice cream.

"When will you ever let me go in the kitchen again." I say leaning on him having the popcorn bucket all to myself as he does with the ice cream tub. "The last time you warm something in the microwave you set it on fire and the whole department was at your doorstep. Does that ring a bell?"

Whatever Luka had said did ring a bell. The memory of me waiting outside for the firemen to arrive while biting my nails and looking at my house burning down into ashes immediately buzzed through my head.

"Who says that will happened again." I argue. "That was the fifth time you set the kitchen on fire Alyssa." He deadpans. "Fine, fine you win this time. Now shut up and watch the movie."

"You're the one who said so-" "I shut up!" I snap. He mumbles a few words incoherently and finally shuts up setting his head on my shoulders. The movie had already started and the ten minutes of him bickering cost us five minutes of the movie.

I feel my eyes flutter at the last two minutes of the movie. I snuggle closer to Luka. "Lyss?" "Hmm?" I inquire not bothering to open my eyes. "Do you want to go to your room?"

I nod a little yawning, he sighs but carries me bridal style anyways. He gently puts me on the bed and plops onto it himself. "Goodnight Teddy Bear." I mumble. "Goodnight Lyss." He says kissing my forehead as I drift of to sleep seconds later.

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