05. Balloons And Teddy Bears

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I creep towards my bed where a sleeping body rests. I stare at the body of Luka contemplating whether or not to wake him up.

He's just so cute when he sleeps-mouth half open and his caramel hair all going in different directions. "Oh what the heck I'm waking him up." I whisper to myself.

"Luka! Wake up!" I holler in his ear. "I'm up, I'm up! What happened? Did you set another fire again, come on I told you not to go in the kitchen." He groans half-asleep. "Not this time but I'm thinking about doing it right now." I reply sarcastically.

"No!" He yells and dashes down the stairs to protect the kitchen. Luka loves food, he believes that if I burn the kitchen then there will be no food so Luka's top priority is to protect the kitchen instead of going to his actual job.

"I didn't burn down the kitchen idiot!" I roll my eyes and sit on the counter.

"Here's your coffee." He ignores my comment and hands me the steaming cup full of mocha colored liquid. "Thanks," I reply, "So what are you going to do today?" "Well, I have to go down to the station today." He sighs taking a long sip from his mug.

A smile breaks on my face, it's so cool having a firefighter friend, he could even save my kitchen from being burned. I really need to get cooking lessons or my house will pay for my mistakes. "What are you smiling about?" Luka breaks me out of my thoughts. "Nothing." I reply quickly.

"So, what are you going to do today?" "I was thinking about visiting that guy you put in the hospital, I really feel bad." I put my mug in the sink. "By any chance did you happened to get his name and room number last night?" Luka smirks at me. "Ooh, someone's got a crush." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"No, I don't have a crush on him. I mean, yeah he was a great dance partner and he had nice hair and he was really, really good at dancing. Wait, did I already say that? Well that's basically all I know about him but yeah, oh and he also had a nice smile!" I continue to ramble as Luka stares at me with an amused expression.

"His name's Wesley and the room number is 254. I really think you too would work out great, but, if he hurts you I will have his head." He crosses his arm and looks at me sternly. "I'm surprised you didn't decapitate Cole yet." I mumble.

 "I did try," He grumbles, "But you never let me go near him saying you'd kill him yourself one day. I even tried to run him over once, make it look like an accident."

"You did what?" I yell incredulously. "Oh, I said that out loud." He bites his lip nervously. "Look at the time, I better get going." He stuttered and started running towards the door. "Get back here mister, you're not going anywhere!" I yell dashing after him.

He runs out the door just in the nick of time and fumbles for his car key in his pocket. The door slams right into my face as I get to his SUV.

I put my face up against the door glaring at him and say a bunch of colorful words. He pokes his tongue out taunting me further. "When I see you again I'll get you, besides I still have your favorite jacket, you forgot it because you were too busy running away from me." I yell, he groans but doesn't make any attempt to get out of the car.

"I've got brownies." I say trying to lure him into my trap. I hear a girlish squeal coming from the car and I try to hold in the giggles threatening to spill out from my lips and spoil the mastermind plan.

"Ooh brownies-" He says and then abruptly pauses his sentence, his eyebrows furrow and his eyes look conflicted as he battles in his mind for the right decision. "No." He mumbles to himself, "Not falling for that again." He shakes his head trying to convince himself that its a complete trap.

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