08. Another Problem

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"I'm here! I'm here Luka. Tell me what happened." Alyssa rushed out of her car.

"Oh dio questo è male. Oh dio questo è male." Luka kept muttering nervously in Italian.

"Luka! " I yelled, hoping to snap him out of his thoughts.

"Please tell me what happened!" I plead.

"Lyss, it's Sid; an accident...car crash... something bad happened...In the hospital. Really bad. Really bad. Davvero cattivo. Davvero cattivo." Luka went back to his nervous state and started hismuttering in Italian again.

Hopefully he wouldn't have a panic attack right now; it would be one of the worst times to have one.

"Luka, listen to me, " I say turned him to me with my hands clasped to his shoulders. "I'm taking you with me to the hospital to see Sid. Calm down buddy. It's going to be okay. Just tell me one thing, he is at the local hospital right?"

Luka nods slowly. "Okay then let's go. We'll pick up your car later, but first we have to get to Sid."

Not waiting for a reply, I grab his hand and pull him towards my car.

Getting in I start to driving towards the hospital. I hope Sid is okay. Hopefully,  he isn't hurt too bad. I can't believe so many things are happening to me right now. It's like I'm spinning whirlwind of problems.

"Lyss." Luka says pulling me out of my reviere.

"Yes Luka?" I respond.

"Will Sid be okay?" I'm silent for a minute.

"I'm sure Sid will be fine." At that Luka cracks a weak smile at me.

He cares so much about Sid and I can't stand to see him like this.

"Is Tara and Johnny already there?" I ask.

"Tara is there but I don't know about John."

The rest of the car ride is silent until we get to the hospital.

We jump out of the car, go inside,  and run to the receptionist.

"Which room is Sid Smith in?" I ask the receptionist.

She looks up from her computer. "What relation do you have with Mr.Smith?"

"I'm his sister and he's his brother." I lie hoping they'll let us in.

"You can't go in there yet you'll have to wait outside of room 113 though."

We both walked to room 113. And saw Tara slapping the life out of a blonde girl with tears streaming down her face.

Tara. Was. Slapping. Someone.

Oh my gosh! Tara was slapping someone! This had to stop,  Tara had never done something like this and she was probably just taking her anger out on someone because of Sid's accident.

I got in between the angry fire head and the crying girl. "Tara stop! Look at the girl,  why would you do this?" I asked holding Tara's wrist firmly.

"This is the bitch that got my brother into an accident!" Tara screeched.

"Tara. What in the world do you mean? Explain to me how this girl could possibly get Sid into an accident?" I said.

"Sid was driving drunk on the road. He was drunk because this slut wouldn't forgive him over a stupid little thing and now he's in the fucking hospital!"

I looked at the girl my closely. Short, dirty blonde hair, small crooked nose, and brown eyes. This girl looked very familiar, I'd seen her before.

Oh. My. God. This was Sid's girl! She was the one in the bar.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask softy.

"It's-it's Maggie." The girl sniffles.

"Maggie, it's fine. Sid shouldn't have been driving on the road when drinking in the first place," I said calming her down. "Now, can you tell me what happened? How did you know he was here?"

"I... He-he was on the phone w-with me. He was leaving all these voice mails sounding like he was drunk. I h-had to pick up to make sure he was okay. B-but when I picked up he said-he said he was driving to my house and suddenly heard a-a....crash both outside of my house and on the phone. The phone was just beeping. I-I went outside and I saw the crash. He crashed into a bench! I called the police and h-here I am." She breaks down into more tears after finally stopping.

I hugged her after hearing her story. "I believe you. It's not you're fault, you saved Sid, Maggie."

"Tara," I say looking at the other sobbing girl, "It'll be alright."

She cries more and crushes me with her hug. This girl goes hulk in times of crisis. Literally.

I suddenly realize I've totally forgotten about someone.

"Oh my gosh, where's Luka?"

"I'm right here." He says watching with an amused face. "Just watching the cat fight.

I scowl at him and slap his head. "Owww! What was that for?"

"That was for being mean." I say and continue to hug Tara.

Suddenly, the doctor comes out of Sid's hospital room.

We all rush forward towards him and bombard him with questions.

"Yes, yes." He says, immediately silencing us. "He's fine now. A broken arm and a minor concussion. Nothing more. He's sleeping now but you'll have to wait a few hours before he can have any visitors.

I hear Tara screaming curses at the doctor for not allowing her to see him.

I tuned everything out. Sid was okay now, but what other problem would be thrown at me next?

Author's note:

Hey guys, I am so so so so so so so sorry for not updating. There were too many things going on in my life right now that I really didn't have time to update. I'm sorry this is really short too. Next time I'll try and make it bigger though. Bye my readers!




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