14.Finding Random Adams

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"Adam. I need your help." Is the first thing I say when I talk to him.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"I might have done something stupid and you can't be mad at me."

"...Well what did you do? Do you want to meet up and talk about this?"

"No, no. It's better to do this here, away from one another. So you can't strangle me and put me six feet under."

"Why would I do that?"


"What was that?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and told him, "Because I told Cole that I had a boyfriend named Adam and I doomed myself and now I'm asking you not to kill me."

"Okay...But I don't see where you are going with this Alyssa?" He looked at me expectantly.

I looked at him back with disbelief. "Are you an idiot or something? I just told you I told Cole my boyfriend was Adam! ADAM, A-D-A-M, as in you!"

Adam's face was smug for some reason as I sat there explaining my problem. I had immediately called him and told him to meet up with me. And since he was turning over this new leaf or something along the lines of that, he immediately agreed. He was starting to see me as a better person and was even sorry for the things he did in the past but now he would hate me again.

So here we are in a better coffee shop than the one we met in last time while Adam is smirking at me for some apparent reason. Maybe he got a concussion or something before coming to meet me here.

"Alright look, I know that was stupid and I can't find any other Adams at the moment other than a couple who work at my company and I can't just go and ask random Adams to be in a fake relationship with me so my ex husband can leave me alone!" I rambled but Adam just kept smirking.

"Well? Go on! Say something! Say anything for that matter!" I exclaim.

"Well Alyssa, I think you just made my month of redemption much easier." He smiles all smug and stuck up.

I mentally connect the dots as he sips annoyingly at his coffee.

My eyes widden. "No! No. No, don't you dare look at me like that! No! Stop it!"

"What? I haven't said a thing." He hides his smile in the darn coffee cup.

"I know what you're thinking right now but it's not happening. No way is it happening!"

"And why not? It's a great plan. This way, you get back at Cole and I get back at Tamia. We both win, I complete the pact we had to make us besties, and we kill three birds with one stone!"

"No! That's not fair though. I said a real relationship for a month!"

"You never said real. You just said relationship. And it could be real if you wanted it baby." He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I groaned and slapped my forehead. "It's not going to be real, idiot."

"Fine then, it can be fake if you want but I think it should still be the mender of bridges." He said while making absurd hang motions that attracted quite a few amused stares. "And, did I also mention the killing three birds with one stone part?"

"Yes you did. Twice."

"Come on Alyssa! Think about it! I think you should give this scheme a chance."

"You do know what this entails in your end right? Even if this is a fake relationship you won't be able to have any more one night stands because the media will get a whiff of it fast and this time it will be on the news because your dating me while doing that. Can even you handle being celibate for a month?"

"Oh." Understanding finally dawns on Adam's face as he seems to be in deep thought and finally groans out loud. "I really did not think of that. Celibate? Really? Come on, if we are in a fake relationship shouldn't we at least put in all effort to make it real and I mean all effort?"

"Adam!" I scolded, "I am not having sex with you! You were my ex husband's friend for years! It's just plain weird to be fake dating you and sex is out of the equation."

"Fine." He pouts, "I'll be good. It's just a month right? How bad can that really be? Not too bad right?"

"We will see Adam. We will see."

I really thought about his plan long and hard. It would get Cole off my skin for a while and finally let me breath. But Adam was Cole's friend and it would all be really weird. But I had to do this so Cole would stop appearing in my life and I would only have to see him so I could see Rosa.

"Alright. I guess-Ugh I can't believe I'm saying this! I guess I agree to this stupid plan of yours."

"Yes! I knew my smile and my adorable face would win you over!" He grins as I roll my eyes.

"So, when do we make our first public appearance? Give me details." He says looking at me seriously.

"There's the Velderman Gala and we do need a plus one for that. Why don't we declare our relationship there?"

"I feel like that might be too formal. We should go together but we should be seen together somewhere in public first."

"Okay," I nod thinking he is right on that. Announcements in Galas like that are more of an engagement thing than just a relationship thing. "Where do you suggest we do that? Walk around the mall or something holding hands? Please don't say the mall. I hate malls!"

"I was thinking...how about now?" He says opening up his phone."

"What are you doing?" I ask cautiously.

"I'm talking to my media manager right now. I'm telling him to leak that I'm here with a mystery girl to the paps."

"No, why? Not now." I hiss, "This is not a good time. Especially here! Listen Adam, I hate the paparazzi. I've had some bad encounters with them. Especially after Cole divorced me. You have no idea how bad they are! Call it off!"

Adam looks a bit guilty as he looks up from his phone. "I'm sorry Alyssa but I already sent the text. I really didn't know about this. I will deal with them if they so much as look at you in the wrong way."

My lips twitch a bit. I knew Adam was nice despite the facade he kept up with other people and of course him being a man whore but he wasn't so terrible.

"Fine." I sigh, "We will stay here until I finish up my coffee." I say trying to take bigger gulps of it.

We continue talking a bit as I drink my coffee. Finally we head out of the coffee shop and I hate what I see as I get outside.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I say as we are swarmed with Paparazzi and flashing cameras.

I stood there smiling while I was being bombarded by some of my worst enemies. What a life. I still can't get away from some of my past even if I made a name for myself and picked myself up.

Just smile and don't say anything. Just smile and don't say anything. I tell myself as I continue to see the blinding flashes and the wave of questions floating my way.

Author note:Oof wow. I just wrote this at night when I should be sleeping. I am so sorry for the delay my lovely readers! I have been wanting to get this published for long but I didn't know how to go forward for a while and I just wasn't inspired until I saw all your comments about the book. I also have been having a bit of personal problems so I am sorry for the late update again my wattpadians! Hope you liked this update! Feel free and comment on what you think will happen next!

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