Thursday 8th January

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8.49 am

I'm extremely late, and we have Transfiguration next, i only just work up, i've been sleeping awfully lately and it has nothing to do with the continuous snoring that i think i have gotten used to, damn you Susan and your purrrverted cat that watches me shower ever day.

I have huge bags under my eyes, i hope no-one asks why. I'd rather not explain about the huge dragon that chases me that has Clive's head and huge pointy teeth, It's rather odd because he chases me around the park and then corners me, he throws a load of spaghetti on me, and then summons these weird black cloaked alligators who point sporks at me, its not cool.

9.12 am

I was running across the courtyard outside the transfiguration classroom, getting completely soaked i may add, i threw open the classroom door and stepped inside the room, the whole class turned to look at me, and with my soggy hair that was dripping down my back, my wet shirt, that i was covering up with my cloak, or awkward lemons would have been spread around the room. the yeti was staring at me, not blinking, creepy. 

'You're late miss Thompson' Professor Mcgonagall said from the front where she was holding a rather large parrot

'Arrrgh, no i be not' I said in a pirate accent, she sighed 'Well, you see I'm here for tomorrow's lesson so in fact, I'm early' i told her, she scowled at me and pointed to a seat in the front of the class, i skipped to the front and threw my school bag on the floor, it made a funny squelching noise, i looked at it as if it had farted

'So everyone, as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted-'

'well i didn't know you were in the middle of talking' i said interrupting her in a defencive way, she continued as if she hadn't heard me, rude much.

'I would like to see you all turn this parrot into a telescope and back, i will go around the class one by one, but until i reach you, i would like you to practice turning a mouse into a shoelace and back'

'Lame' i said loudly

i looked to my left to see who i was sitting next to, and almost fell off my chair as i saw Evan. I gulped and looked down at my table, Professor Mcgonagal put a mouse in front of me

'Try not to squash this one as well, Thompson' she said through a sigh, i continued to look at the mouse, watching as it cleaned its whiskers. Although i couldn't see her face i knew she was looking confused, i usually had a comeback ready. but i'd rather not talk infront of the spawn of the devil, my step brother although he doesn't know i know.

'Please stay behind after class, Lyra' Professor Mcgonagall said or as i now sometimes say Professor Mcsourpuss

She began to walk around with the bird, so far no one had transfigured it, it was almost my turn, so i pulled my wand out and muttered the incantation. the mouse elongated and flattened forming the perfect shoelace, i looked towards Professor Mcgonagall, she was with the yeti, i screwed up my nose, he's so gross, some times.

I continued to watch as he managed to transform half the parrot, which was more than most of the other people had managed 

after she had seen a couple of other people she moved on to me coming and standing next to me

'Right if you will, now i want no cat puns or sarcastic comments from you' she said i lifted my wand to the bird and cleared my throat, i muttered the incantation and watched as the parrot's beak began to grow as it turned into a telescope, only it was still bright colours and covered in feathers, before Professor Mcgonagall could talk i muttered the reversing spell as it became a parrot once more

the whole class stood in shock, maybe because i just did work, and didn't talk. or explode a desk.

'what?' i asked them, they all went back to their mice

'Impressive' Professor mcsourpuss said

'Indeed, i know, almost purrfect' i said, i mean i got to sound like me or they may get suspicious, although laying my head on the desk and sighing didn't help out much, Professor mcsourpuss moved on to Evan, it made me happy when just a whisp of smoke came from his wand and the parrot stayed the same. it spoke suddenly.

'Lame' it shrieked, i snort laughed turning it into a cough, i love parrots.

10.30 am

It's after the lesson now, i walked slowly up to professor Mcsourpuss's desk as she looked at me

'Is everything ok, Lyra?' she asked, i hesitated but nodded

'Fine, professor' i said 

'Only i couldn't help but notice that both you and you're brother are acting differently' she said

'Oh' i said 

'Not that i am complaining, it's been a little bit more peaceful, however you both look like you've been having troubled sleep and you've both been late to my morning classes' she continued

'we're fine' i persisted, i tapped my foot, i was going to be late for Potions now.

'Well if you need to talk about anything, this goes for your brother too, i'm hear to help' she said kindly

'Thanks, Professor, but if you don't mind i'm going to be late for Potions and now i need to think of a witty comeback for why it is that i'm late' i said in a tired voice, Professor Mcgonagall smiled slightly but allowed me to go

10.38 am

i walked in to potions to get a 

'You're late' from Professor slughorn, luckily i had had all the time from the transfiguration corridor all the way to the dungeons to think of my reason why

'i know professor, but you see on the way to the classroom, there were three huge wasps, and they started to chase me, i had to get them off my tail, so i hid in one of the suits of armour for three hours until peeves had scared them off, then i decided to grace you all with my wonderful company'

I got a few sniggers from around the room, and its a good thing old sluggywarty bogwart likes me, or i'd be knee deep in- hey look a squirrel!

it wasn't a squirrel. sad times.

Attached i have included a picture of Lyra and Puffy that i drew, hope you like it, i also have pictures of Selene, Marie and Tiffany that i will upload with different chapters, if you want anymore sketches or drawings of characters, please comment with who :) thanks for reading :) please vote and comment and tell me if there is anything i can improve on, i'd love the constructive criticism,

if you haven't already read my other story, I have one called 'Oh, Go Suck a Duck, Sirius Black' so if you want more of a laugh, and you enjoy this, i think you'd like that. It's about a CRAZY girl called Freya, who basically is always embarrassing herself around Sirius, who she has a crush on. So check it out if you like the sound of it. :)

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