Thursday 15th January

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6.00 pm

i was caught up in a evil staring contest, you see since i pretty much blew up violet Parkinson, she is rather pissed off at me, i was sitting at the Ravenclaw table eating my dinner, Dylan was next to me, he still has nice hair

Hector, Lucas and Johnny walked over to me and sat down opposite, 

I haven't said anything to Johnny yet, and he hasn't said anything to me either.

'Hey, Sister dearest' Hector said as he sat,

'Hey Hector' i said, Johnny looked up from his plate at me, and smiled, i smiled back

'We have grabbing a piece of my toast as he did. i scowled at him

'how dare you' i said dramatically

'Lyra, we have quiddich practice' Lucas said, he's a chaser.

'When?' i asked snatching my toast back from Hector

'Now' he replied, i had my toast halfway to my mouth as Lucas stood up.

I sighed and chucked my peice of toast on Hector's plate, He and Johnny chuckled, i stood up and swore at Violet who was still giving me evils, i saw snape chuckle at her outraged face

Lucas and i began to walk from the great hall, i looked back to see Johnny wtching me leave, He turned slightly pink and looked away. I looked back to Lucas, craning my neck slightly, he is very, very tall. and for only being thirteen he is about 5 ft 10 to my 5 ft 4, so it's rather embarrassing, although i'm taller than a few of the girls, so that's ok.

7.04 pm

Quiddich practice is over now, Lucas and i are walking up to the Ravenclaw common room

'So the next match is in 2 weeks which means we need to practice more' he said biting his lip

'Who is it against again?' i asked him, he rolled his eyes

'Slytherin' He said 

'Yeah sorry, bad memory' i said

'Must run in the family' he said smiling

'Aswell as clinically insane' i said he nodded

'Deffinatly'  he replied

we were now on the moving staircase, it was all rather dark, and i could hear footsteps behind us, i spun around but couldn't see anyone, we continued to walk up the stairs

'Do you know if Selene likes anyone?' he asked after a moment, i looked at him

'No idea, she just talks about nargles, wrackspurts and flipperpuffs' i said

i stopped walking as i heard footsteps again, i dragged Lucas along the sixth floor corridor and round a corner, where we stopped and i held a finger over my lips, the footsteps got louder and i jumped from around the corner, there was a loud high pitched scream and another shout of

'Shit the bed' Hector and Johnny had stopped and both looked like a real picture, i began to laugh

'Hector, you scream like a two year old girl' i said leaning on the wall almost crying from laughter

'Why would you jump out at us?' Johnny asked clamping a hand on his heart

'I thought we were being stalked' i said

'Who would stalk you?' Hector asked

'I feel the love' i said turning around and screaming as Marie, Tiffany and Selene were all standing there, Lucas was staring at Selene

'You have the same scream as Hector' Johnny said laughing

'At least i am a girl though' i said waiting for my heart to return back to it's normal pace, we continued to walk down the corridor as a large group walking around the corner we spotted the James, Sirius and Peter standing around a window, looking out, i went and stood behind them. 

They were staring at the whomping willow, i watched too as Remus began to walk towards it

'Can't wait to be able to join him' James muttered to Sirius

'Same' i said laughing as the three of them jumped and turned to look at me,

'Don't do that!' Sirius said pouting

'A real fright night tonight' i said as i went to the spiral staircase that led to the Ravenclaw tower. the others came too, minus the Gryffindor's i however stopped, and turned around

'Lyra, where are you going?' Hector called as i began to walk back down the corridor

'I'll be back in a while' i told him as i ran down the stairs, i made my way into the basement and looked at the portraits until i got to the one i was looking for, a bowl of fruit. So naturally i tickled the pear, it giggled and turned into a door knob, i opened it and went inside, where the house elves in the kitchens greeted me.

10.00 pm

we are all sitting around the ravenclaw common room fire place, toasting marshmallows and Jelly babies, Tiffany said she liked them, and they really are good when warmed over a fire, we all have decided to sleep out here, in the common room, for funsies, Lucas is trying to cuddle up to Selene, but i don't think she's too happy about it, Marie is all mopey sitting on a window ledge, i think it is because it's a full moon and it's Remus' time of the month, and Hector and Tiffany are in the middle of a pillow fight, because they are mature.... not.

Not that i am, i started it in the first place, but now me and Johnny are sitting alone on the sofa with a bag of marshmallows and a bottle of golden syrup, and a bowl of sprinkles, which we dip our syrup covered marshmallows in, its yummy, and i'm now so hyper. Probably won't sleep tonight.

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