Monday 31st May

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9.00 am

It's the transfiguration exam, we are all waiting outside the room to go in, i'm at the front, because i want to seem like a real ravenclaw, plus Professor Mcgonagall wants me at the front so i don't mess around, as if, i'm an angel. 



'Ok, you can come in now'

'Professor Mcgonagall, can i just say how lovely you're looking today' I said to her

'It won't work, Lyra'


i walked in and took my seat in front of her desk, i stared at her, not blinking

'You will get a written paper and then a small pratical'

'I Like praticals' i said to her

'If you begin when i say'

'When you say what?'

'Silence, Lyra'

'That's a weird thing to say to start an exam' I said

She gave me a stern look, so i shut up

'You can begin' she said, i sat still, she rolled her eyes 'Silence, Lyra'

I Grinned and turned my paper over, i saw professor McGonagall try and hide a smile

she loves me.

10.30 am

I'm in the potions exam, and once again i'm at the front, i think the teachers have been talking about me behind their backs,

well two can play at that game.

'you can start' Called out walrus, i mean slughorn

i turned over my paper and read the first question

'If you were to add a moonstone to a babbling potion what would you get?'

'a chatty moony' I said thoughtfully, James, Sirius, Lupin and Peter began to laugh. Tiffany threw a chair at me and Marie sunk down in her chair

i did the rest of the exam on the floor stuck under the chair that was thrown at me and got lodged on the wall, it was rather comfy, i even fell asleep

12.00 pm

Lunch came and i was finally freed from the evil chair, and i needed words with Tiffany

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