Sunday 29th March

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8.30 am

i was sitting at the hufflepuff table awaiting my latest blow from Snape, i had my head on the table, what with nightmares and Snape, i just can't cope anymore. i feel like actually crying.

Tiffany stroked my hair, she is the only one who knows the full story. Life at home, what is going on here and all of that frizzle.

'Lyra, it will be ok' she said

'no it won't' i sniffed into my sleeve

'It will, things will work out, you'll see' she replied stroking my hair still.

'Lyra' someone said, i looked up to see Selene

'hey' i replied sadly

'your head is full of wrackspurts, what is wrong?' she asked

'everything' i groaned as my face reunited with the table.

'Aylin, come here' Selene called in her dreamy voice

'what is it?' asked a girl who appeared to be in first or second year

'you look like her' I said as i saw the resemblance

'Aylin is my sister' Selene replied as if we already should have known

'you have a sister?' Marie said shocked

'Yeah' she said 'We often go for walks around the forest at night together to search for rumpingfloats'

'oh' I said stupidly

'Hey' Aylin said smiling

'Hi' We all replied

'What year are you in?' Marie asked

'Second' She said in a sort of mystical voice, 

'oh, right' Tiffany said, obviously in shock.

'Oh no' Marie moaned

'What is it?' i asked

'Snape is aiming his wand at you, duck' 

So i did, i slid under the table, sighing as i did, i looked at the forest of legs beneath the tables and saw that johnny was crawling towards me.

'Lyra, we need to talk' he said sitting down in front of me

'yeah' i agreed

'i don't think i can stand another night in the hospital wing' i glared at him 'lyra's layer' he corrected himself 'i think Snape has it real bad for you, and he will not leave us alone if we are together'

'so you're saying we split?' i asked him, he bit his lip but nodded

'I think it's for the best' he said

'y-yeah' i said, i crawled out from under the table and walked out of the great hall

i feel awful

i really do.

so i'm going to go to go and sit in the library.

and think

Johnny and i have had a great run, but as long as we are together, we get no peace.

but i still like him a lot

stupid yeti.

2 pm

I've been sitting in here a while, it's the last place any of my friends would look to find me, and i'm glad i'm alone, i really am. I can't stand people right now.

'Exuse me' A first year said tapping me on the shoulder


'well, there is some one over there who wants to talk to you, but they say in private' She said pointing before running away. am i that scary that first years run from me?

i looked where the little girl had pointed and saw snape staring at me, i growled. Picked up my stuff and marched out of the library

2.15 pm

he started following me


he maybe gaining on me, so i started to run


he caught up with me, and pinned me to the floor. SEXUAL HARASSMENT panda.


i spent about two minutes screaming, with him trying to shut me up

'Lyra, Merlin help me, stop screaming!' he yelled at me

'No, you're sexually harassing me, and i don't like it'

'you generally aren't meant to like sexual harassment, but i mean i'm not harassing you' he said spotting what i had just said

'you kind of are, you pick on me for weeks, and then you stalk me and pin me to the floor, and won't let go' I said struggling

'i just want to talk' He said

'Well i don't, you have ruined everything Severus Tobias Snape, and' I paused ' I HATE YOU'

he stood up shocked as i got up and ran away.

2.30 pm

i tripped over three cats on my way to Ravenclaw table

FML twice backwards with a badger on a pogo stick in a mine field on a freaking skateboard.

Pickle clawed up my leg again, and now i'm pissed.

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