Saturday 17th January

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4.00 am

we were standing there nervously, it was snowing and we were stood on a roof in hot-pants and vest tops, how we got here you may ask, well that is where James, Potter, my stupid bloody cousin comes into the equation.

we decided we were going to play dares, i'll start at the beginning


'i don't know about you guys, but i can't sleep' i said to the others we were having another sleepover in the common room, Tiffany, Marie, Selene, Hector, Lucas and Johnny sat upright at the sound of my voice

'I know what you mean' Hector agreed

'Want to explore the castle again?' Marie asked

'As secret adgent's' Tiffany said excitedly

'sounds alright' Lucas said

'Potato' Johnny said juggling a few marshmallows.

2.00 am

we have been wondering the castle as secret agents for a while now,

but when we heard a noise we all stopped and went flat against the wall, well they did i stayed in the middle holding a pretend thing called a gun, i have no idea what it is, Muggles use them like wands, i zoned out when Tiffany was explaining it, i often do that.

2.15 am

turned out it was the marauder, cousin James and his friends.

we have been sitting in the corridor, playing truth or dare, i've been made to climb one of the stone walls and put a banana on one of the ledge bits, i was also dared to paint mrs Norris purple, i did that. she looks pretty now.  

3.00 am

we were still sitting around in the corridor

'Marie, it's your dare' Lucas said she gulped and nodded

'Ok' she said hesitantly

'I dare you to-' Sirius put a hand over James' mouth

'shut it James, i have the perfect dare' He said with a cheeky grin

'Oh dear' i said shaking my head, any dare Sirius comes up with has to be bad.

'Marie, you have to kiss Remus for two minutes in that broom cupboard over there' He said pointing at it

'actually i change my mind, good dare' i told him, Tiffany just giggled, Marie was bright red

'but guys'

'it's a dare, You have to do it' Tiffany said, Marie stared at her, then we all looked at Remus, who was looking rather sheepish

'bahhhh' i said to defuse the tension, everyone looked at me

'Neighhhh' Johnny replied

'Mooo' Hector said

'tension defused, now let's continue' i said pushing Marie towards the broom cupboard while Sirius dragged Remus, we pushed them in and closed the door

'We will let you out in five minutes, if you don't do the dare you know what will happen' Sirius shouted through the door, i heard a rather pathetic moan from Marie

'What shall we do for five minutes?' Tiffany asked

'Did i say five minutes, i meant half an hour' Sirius said skipping off down the corridor


we went down into the kitchens where Lucas came up with a great idea, in our usual groups we would do group dares, the groups being

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