Red Arrow x Reader: Cat Type~

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I had to write something with this hottie XD Btw I have no clue who's more of a cat person or a dog person in the team, I just improvised so sorry if you don't really approve that most of the team are dog people XD

Well, I hope you guys enjoy, and tell me what you think~

2nd person POV

No missions meant absolute boredom at Mount Justice.

Which explained why all the members of the Team, including Red Arrow himself (although he still refused to consider himself part of the group) were all basically chilling in the living room, watching TV and sharing M&Ms, struggling not to die from the recent inactivity that had fallen over them.

"Hey, is Cat still sleeping or what? It's lunchtime, she should be here for our chowdown," Wally pointed out suddenly, breaking the silence. He crossed his arms, disappointed. Earning a glare from Artemis as he did so, he whined childishly, "She can't forget again... She promised!"

Cat was the nickname the team had come up with for you. Your superpower allowed you to take the form of any feline whose DNA you had absorbed (Animorphs reference anyone?), and the first time you had been introduced to them by Batman, you had turned into a basic house cat to demonstrate your unique abilities.

Which hadn't really impressed Red Arrow, by the way. But the others had thought it to be pretty neat.

Anyway, sitting up abruptly, M'Gann announced out of the blue, surprising most of the teens, "Hey guys, I have an idea for what we could do!"

"What now?" Groaned Roy, burying his face exhaustedly into his hands. Ever since their last mission, which had been about two weeks ago, the Martian had come up with various games to cure their boredom, and you could say the auburn-headed male wasn't too fond of them.

His feelings were one-sided, however. Most of the others quickly looked over at her expectantly, practically desperate for something to do apart from fattening themselves with food.

"It's not too special but... I've seen many of these on blogs I read... They're called Q&As! It's when you ask someone something and they answer!"

"Umm, well, M'Gann, we don't have much to ask each other," Connor brought up awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. He merely earned a bright grin from his girlfriend.

"I know! We know each other so well, but maybe we could ask questions we never actually bother to think about..."

"Such as?" Robin questioned, positioning himself so he was sitting up straight, his arms crossed.

They all gave it some thought, until finally, M'Gann exclaimed, "Oh, I know! Are you a dog-type person or a cat-type person?" (I know that sounds and looks wrong but go with it XD)

A few of them snickered quietly, but immediately shut up at the intense glare Connor shot them.

Artemis was the first one to speak up. "I like dogs. I had one back when I was a kid."

"Wolf-type," Connor followed, earning a funny look from most of the team.

"Superboy, I doubt there's a wolf-type," Dick pointed out plainly while Wally struggled to keep in his chuckles.

M'Gann was next. "Well, I can't decide, I really like both, they each have their perks and-"

"Dogs rock!" Wally cut her off rudely, which seemed to relieve everyone; she seemed to had been about to ramble on into some rant. Then, nudging the male next to him, "What about you, Speedy?"

"It's Red Arrow," Roy snapped impatiently before, seeming irritated, admitting, "...I'm more of a cat-type, I guess. I've had too many dogs chase after me during missions to actually like them anymore."

Aqualad seemed to had been about to add his own opinion when you walked into the room, dressed in your PJs and with your hair airborne, as it always was when you woke up and hadn't combed them yet. The Team greeted you warmly, apart from Roy, who went back to scanning his arrows. Typical of him.

"Hey guys! What are y'all talking 'bout?" You queried curiously, making your way toward the kitchen.

Wally happened to be the only one who noticed Roy's faint, hidden blush. And yes, he intended to use that to his advantage. And maybe to the male's embarrassment.

Smirking devilishly, he leaned back and casually commented, "Oh, just talking about how you, Cat, are totally Speedy's typ-"

"It's Red Arrow!!" Roared the redhead, pouncing forward to knock Wally down and clapping his gloved hand over his mouth, shutting him up. He was thankful his back happened to be turned toward you, for he was pretty sure he was as red as a cherry at the moment.

You merely giggled, completely unaware and unsuspecting of what Wally had been about to say, and continued your way toward the kitchen, drawing your headphones over your ears.

As you settled down to eat your 'breakfast', you were pretty sure you heard Roy yell something like, "I'll kill you next time you try to tell her..." between two of your song's verses.

Confused, you glanced back at the living room but didn't bother to remove your headphones. Red Arrow seemed to be attempting to choke Kid Flash while the others were trying to separate them.

Okay, that was a pretty funny, and entertaining, sight. But you had much more pressing matters to handle at the moment, such as food.

Sighing in amusement, you turned back toward your toasts, thinking to yourself, man can guys be weird.

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