Timothy Drake x Reader: Halloween

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 *Whispers* Jason basically describes me at every Halloween party I've attended--

 Soooo... Happy Halloween? XD OKAY, I KNOW I'M LATE AND I'M SORRY. I wasn't planning on writing a Halloween special but I got this idea at the last second so... It's never too late for fanfiction, right? Heheheh *sweatdrops*

  2nd person POV

     Ugh. Nightwing had randomly sent Tim and you on some mission that he didn't even bother describing, just like that.

On bloody Halloween night. Your favourite holiday.

Great. There went your plans for trick-or-treating with your school friends.

 Dress-up? Tell me about it. These stupid heels are killing me!

Indeed, you were wearing a particular set of clothes, but for quite a different reason. A tight red dress was practically suffocating the living crap out of you, blood-coloured lipstick made your lips seem unnaturally swollen, and your eyes had what frankly reminded you of seagull poop spread all over them.

At least Tim looked decent. He had a simple black tux and dress pants to match, along with sunglasses to supposedly hide his eyes. Yeah, right. You could totally see those blues of his.

And they, having previously been scanning the busy place analytically, fell down on you when you let out a groan, leaning down to rest your forehead against the restaurant table the both of you were seated at. "Uggghhh. Tim, remind me why we're here again?"

"We'll receive guests that we'll talk with, and we'll learn as much as we can about them," replied the male, reaching out to reassuringly pat your back when you started repeatedly slamming your head down against the wooden surface.

"I." Slam. "Hate." Slam. "My." Slam. "Life." Slam.

The boy wonder blushed in embarrassment as the fancy building's other dwellers glanced over at you, intrigued by your behaviour. "(Y/N), you're going to blow our cover..."

At his hushed words, you rolled your eyes, sitting back up and crossing your arms. "Whatever. ...When are my Chinese noodles arriving anyway?" At your friend's odd silence, you raised a brow, turning to face him. "You've been pretty quiet ever since we got here. What's up?"

"Nothing," he quickly blurted. A little too quickly. Something was definitely off.

"Come on, tell me. I promise I won't say!" You gave him a cute pout.

Usually, he'd always fall for it, but... Nope. He wasn't having any of it. Instead, tugging warily at his collar, he averted his gaze, making you frown. You were starting to worry. Had something happened?

You were about to insist he spill the beans when you heard the two chairs opposite of yours be pulled. You lifted your head, curious as to who these unnamed visitors were, although that didn't keep you from acknowledging the absolute relief that washed over Tim's face.

However, his reaction confused you deeply, seeing as your tablemates were none other than... The Terror Twins?

"Tommy, Tuppence," politely greeted Robin, sending a nod their way. Afterwards, they engaged in conversation, although... You weren't listening.

This whole situation had a fishy smell to it. Why were these two villains here when they should've been contained at Belle Reve? Why, and on what, were you interrogating them?

...Wait. Hadn't the Team been sent on a mission concerning them a while back..?

 Connor's and Megan's first kiss! That's right! They were disguised as the Terror Twins and--

You abruptly got to your feet, your chair legs screeching unpleasantly against the floor, making the three others flinch. Although that was only the beginning to their problems.

"I want explanations. Now."  Glaring, you took a deep, shaky breath, before practically roaring, "What the hell  are Connor and Megan doing here in disguise!? If this is a stupid prank, guess what, it's not  funny! This is a waste of my time, I should be out getting candy with my friends right now!!" You childishly stomped your foot down against the ground, earning a few unimpressed looks from nearby bystanders, but seriously? You didn't care. You just wanted your darn Halloween back.

The uncomfortable look the others exchanged only confirmed your suspicions, and therefore multiplied your irritation tenfold.

After a moment, Tim took a deep breath before, anxiety written all over his face, "T-This is my fault (Y/N). I'm sorry. I asked Nightwing to send us here so I'd be able to ask you out in private before Connor and Megan checked in to bring us back home." Your frustrated gaze softened when he hung his head shamefully. "But... I chickened out..."

"It's never too late," stated Connor out of the blue, before rising to his feet. Megan followed suit, and both casually left the place afterwards, heading toward the washrooms, leaving you alone with the other teen.

There was a tense, awkward silence as you processed the situation, and Tim agonized in his embarrassment. His cheeks were bright red, his eyes fixated upon his costly shoes.

So you were losing your Halloween to spending some time with your adorable crush who felt the same way?

"... Connor's right, you know." Huffing slightly, you crossed your arms, your intense gaze unwavering when Tim jolted his head back up at you.

He was giving off an innocent, hopeful look that made seem so utterly precious. He hesitated before slowly saying, "...So... I can ask you to date me..?"

A small, amused smile, tugging at your lips. "If you ask me properly, that is."

His unsure frown gave way to a wide, much more handsome grin. He reached out, grabbing your hands eagerly in his, and exclaimed excitedly, "(Y/N), will you go out with me?"

Rolling your eyes at how his behaviour reminded you of a kid in a candy shop, you giggled and leaned in to answer his question with a soft kiss.

Beneath his dark lens, his sapphires widened in complete shock, but it wasn't long before he smiled against you and shyly brought you closer, his hand finding the back of his neck.

You let out a happy hum at this, although... Suddenly, hard objects started raining down on you, alarming you. Pulling back abruptly, you turned to look up at whatever cloud was delivering these 'raindrops'--

Connor and Megan, holding a bag above you and making its contents fall down on you, big, goofy smiles on their face. Well, on the alien's face, anyway.

Furrowing your brows in annoyance, you swiftly reached out and tightened a fist around one of the tiny projectiles, only for your eyes to gawk when you realized these were--

 Candy!  And lots of it! A puddle of multicoloured sweets was pooling around Tim and you!

Feeling a pleasant, kid-like giddiness wash over you, you reached forward, pulling some of the goods out of the growing pile. "C-Candy? How did you guys--"

"I knew you'd be frustrated since you'd miss out on trick-or-treating, so I sent Wally to go for you earlier all across Eurasia," explained the handsome ravenhead, his expression one of smug satisfaction.

His words were confirmed, seeing as you were picking out foreign treats. Tiny macaroons, pocky, even... A tea bag?

Turning back toward the male, you beamed brightly, and, pulling him into a tight hug, "Oh, Tim, thank you so much! You're the sweetest!!" With a giggle, you leaned in to kiss his cheek, making him blush darkly, before throwing yourself back at your beloved candy.

The boy slowly brought a hand to the place you had pecked, his smile nervous and timid, but also amused, as he watched you fret over the various goods. Chuckling, he commented, "How's this for a Halloween (Y/N)?"

Grinning back at him, "Definitely good enough for me. Best. Halloween. Ever!!"

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