Damian Wayne x Reader: Messing Up

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Smol precious child- *Is murdered by Dami*

I've never written for Damian, so I hope he isn't too OOC! -Also, this is a little rushed -and incredibly cheesy- so I apologize if it isn't as good as what I usually write.-

2nd person POV

"I get it Dami! I've got to hit harder, and at a weak spot, I'm just having trouble aiming-"

"I have a hard time believing you, it seems like you aren't trying-"

"I am trying-"

"Then do something!!"

So you did try something. Balling your hands into fists, you gritted your teeth as you attempted to land a blow to Damian's cheek, only for him to effortlessly grab your hand, stopping its trajectory. Before you even had time to process what had just happened, Damian had you pinned down against the floor. Again.

Goodness, if you had known staying at the Wayne Manor would mean becoming Damian's 'sparring partner' -pfft, more like his punching bag-, you would've begged your mother not to go to Congo for her news report. She was related to Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne's butler, which explained why you were here in the first place. She had turned toward him to, basically put, babysit you since all her other contacts turned out to be unavailable.

In all honesty, you had to admit that the entire place and family smelled fishy. You had a feeling everyone was hiding something from you... So you, when you weren't helping Alfred around the household -much to his disgruntlement-, you'd give in to your curiosity and sniffed around, trying to find whatever this manor had stashed away from you... But nope. You never found anything.

"How is training with Master Damian going, (Y/N)?" Alfred greeted with an amused tone as he walked into the room, holding a platter upon which two drinks sat. Suddenly realizing how thirsty you were, you roughly pushed Damian off you, earning a slight grunt from him before rushing over to the man, thanking him as you swiped one of the glasses.

"It's going fine. I think I have a few bruises here and there, but apart from that, fine," you grumbled accusingly, earning a glare from the boy as he got to his feet and came over.

"She's boring," Damian whined grumpily before gulping down some of his drink. "Completely unskilled. An unworthy opponent."

"I told you I don't fight, of course I suck!" You pointed out, throwing your hands into the air in irritation. Afterwards, crossing your arms, you glowered at him. "Maybe if you would actually bother teaching me or even just giving me a chance-"

"That'd be a waste of my time," he cut you off rudely before setting his now-empty glass back on the butler's platter. Without another word, he started making his way toward the door.

Your eyes followed him intently until they shot back up toward Alfred, when he suddenly let out a laugh. Confused, you questioned, "What?"

Smiling faintly, he confessed, "Master Damian rarely bothers arguing with people he considers unworthy, (Y/N). As his butler, I recognize how he behaves around different people." When you simply cocked an eyebrow, beckoning for him to go on, he frankly stated, "I believe Master Damian may have developed a liking for you."

To your own surprise, you weren't even shocked. You would've expected yourself to be like, "What?", or, "Have you gone crazy?", but instead, you merely queried, "...Really? But I thought he hates me..."

"Master Damian has a hard time expressing himself, which may lead to misinterpretations."

Oh yes, he sure as hell did. You couldn't help but giggle at this.

You suddenly realized that hey, although he beat you up so much during 'training', you had a thing for him. He could be annoying but... He was pretty handsome, wasn't he? And... You had a feeling there was more to him than this cold exterior. That he had a soft inside, like anyone else, and that you just had to pierce his hard shell first to truly get to him.

The odd thing was... This whole recognition didn't seem new to you at all. It was as if your heart had known all along... And that it was like, "You finally noticed!"

So, smiling, you whispered to Alfred, admiring Damian as you did so, "I think I might have... Developed a liking for him too."

The man simply chuckled from beside you and gently took your empty glass from your grip.

Just as he reached the door, Damian turned back toward the both of you, his expression as cold and unfeeling as ever. Quite unlike his gorgeous eyes, that burned with passion and life. Those eyes that had intrigued you ever since the first day you had looked into them.

Frowning, he sternly ordered, "Be here tomorrow, at the same time, for painting- I mean, training, so I can compliment you- No, I meant, teach you a few tricks and comment on your progress and-Quit smiling at me, I can't stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that!!" He growled out in frustration, his gaze hardening in irritation. His face beet-red, he abruptly stomped off, huffing.

Both Alfred and you burst out laughing as soon as you were sure the boy was far enough not to hear you, so he wouldn't come back and murder you.

Turning toward you with a bright smile, the man announced, "See? You...Fire him up, (Y/N)."

"It seems so, huh," you agreed, returning the grin before looking back toward where your crush had last been. "Guess I'm his little spark..."

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