Aqualad x Reader: Keep Us Apart

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 2nd person POV

     Yet another family dinner around the table ending in your teary form dashing to hide in your bedroom.

You were absolutely sick of it. Ever since you had brought up the possibility of you visiting your boyfriend Kaldur for Christmas, arguments and glares were all that were exchanged between your father and you.

Ugh. Why did you have to be the youngest daughter? Your older sisters had been able, at your age, to visit their partners on their own and stay at their place for a few days. Why couldn't you!? You were definitely old enough to take such decisions alone. If 16-year olds could get their own apartment, why couldn't they stay at someone else's house for a week?

Okay, sure, you understood your parent's insecurity. After all, Kaldur, who you met during your summer camp and utterly fell in love with, lived a little far off, and your families had never met. But you put your complete trust in the dark-skinned male, why wouldn't your father?

At first, he merely disagreed and refused again and again, but now... He actually dared to insult Kaldur, and that was the last straw. He had crossed the line tonight.

You were done dealing with his crap. He might've had a say in your decisions all your life up to now, but that changed today. You were going to see your boyfriend, even if that meant running away from home.

Slowly withdrawing your tear-stained face from the now-soaked pillow, you weakly propped yourself up on your elbow and dug your abandoned phone from beneath your bed's blankets. It was still on the photos app, displaying the picture of Kaldur that had managed to slightly comfort you while you had cried earlier. You couldn't help the weak, affectionate smile that tugged at your lips as you shakily murmured his name. Despite this cruel distance that separated you, you still remembered his soft voice, his small smiles, his gentle blue eyes that reminded you so much of the ocean, like if you had last seen them yesterday... In fact, you hadn't met up with him in months. School and weekend projects always kept you from driving to his place, and you didn't have a car of your own anyway.

But tonight, you absolutely needed to see him more than ever. You no longer simply craved, no, you had to feel his warm, strong arms around you, to hear him murmur reassuringly into your ear as he strokes your hair. You had to be with the one who loved, the only one who truly understood you.

You sighed deeply in an attempt to stabilize your breathing as you searched through your contacts.

It wasn't long before you brought your cellphone to your ear and, your voice barely above a broken whisper, "Kaldur? C-Can you prepare a bed for me? I'm coming."

     Stepping out of the car, you thanked its owner, handing him the promised money, and watched as the vehicle sped off, abandoning you in the chilly winter scenery. You were now in the humble, jolly town that had witnessed Kaldur's growing-up. This new place was mysterious to you and slightly scary with its deserted roads, but the sight of the great deep ocean that it flanked quickly reassured you. Kaldur loved water.

Wanting to protect yourself from the light Christmas snow that was falling, you hurriedly crossed the street and sought refuge in a small local bakery. As you stepped in, its warmth fell over you like a southern beach's pleasant tides, earning a happy hum from you. You closed your eyes, processing the many delicious odours that were submerging your nose in absolute bliss. Who knew the smell of morning bread being made could be so delightful?

However, your short-lived joy was brief, for, pulling your phone out of your pocket to call Kaldur so he'd come get you, you acknowledged the many notifications that were flashing up at you, alerting you of the many messages that your father had left for you. They went from pleads to come back to threats to shoot your boyfriend that had corrupted you so badly, that had stolen and broken his 'little angel'. Pfftt, right.

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