Kid Flash x Reader: Non-Sided

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2nd POV
     For months and months, you suffered, you sobbed. For months and months, all you could think about was your current situation, and how unfair, how horrible it was. You shut out everything else, nothing seemed to matter. All you cared about was Wally and your feelings for him. Wally and Artemis being together, and how you absolutely hated it.

No one was aware of this storm that was going on in your life. You were proceeding through it, hands reached out, trying to find Wally, trying to get him so you guys could finally talk and at least be friends...

But you were blinded. You could barely see your outstretched fingers.

And no one was there to pull you back.

     You were eventually sent on a mission by Nightwing. What was the purpose, you didn't know. Who cared? All that mattered to you was that Wally was coming as well.

Maybe this'd be a chance to talk with him...

     Sharp thorns slashed at your cheek as the plant whipped on by past you, aiming for some other unfortunate victim. With an irritated growl, you brought the back of your hand to your face, wiping off the blood that had already oozed from your newest wound. Ignoring the slight sting, you focused on Poison Ivy, eyes narrowed. Although you couldn't quite concentrate....

Your mind was on Wally. He was fighting against these cursed plants as well, somewhere... Was he okay? Did he need help? What if something had happened to him??

Your mind racing, you barely noticed the villainess send a carnivorous plant your way... The audible snap of its eager jaws jolted you back to reality. Holding out your weapon to defend yourself, you took a step back in order to pull some distance between you and the threat...

Although you hadn't acknowledged that just behind you was a cliff, overhanging over the dark, hungry sea waters.

Feeling the edge of the rock crumble beneath your feet, you let out a shriek of surprise and attempted to catch yourself, however...

Too late.

The terrifying feeling that haunts everyone's dreams, that of falling backwards, without anything for you to latch onto... You grabbed desperately at the air, although of course that didn't change a single thing about your damned fate.

And then, the sensation of falling. You heard the man-eating plant let out what sounded like a frustrated wail as its prey fled from its grip, only to be instead promised to the roaring ocean.

...Although oddly enough, everything went quiet, peaceful. You felt so... Soothed.

The wind that tugged at your clothes, making your hair go haywire... It was cold, poking at your skin like frozen knives, yet... It made you feel so light, so graceful, just like a feather.

The scenery up ahead of you... The cloudy gray sky, pouring its tears down on you as it watched you fall further and further away from it. You had reached out for it earlier, craving its safety, its reassurance, but now... You balled your hand as you brought it back against your chest, feeling your drumming heart through your chest.

...Your heart. ...It still beat, even after how you had massacred it with your fantasies about having Wally all for yourself. It had always been by your side, ensuring your survival, it had never let you down.

...Wally... Why did he seem so small all of a sudden?

Why hadn't you appreciated life while you could? The beautiful sky that opened up to you every morning, the wind that so often caressed your cheeks, your hand that allowed you to grip so many things, your heart that kept you alive.

Why hadn't you realized earlier that this storm that you had been walking through... Had you turned around, you would've seen that there was shelter, that you could've waited for the situation to calm down?

Things seem so much worse when you're currently living through them. They invade your mind, making you forget about everything else, making you believe that it's the end of the world, the storm'll never stop and it'll kill you off.

You're so determined to keep on walking, to find the solution, but... You can't, can you? You're blinded by the rain.

...All this time, you had thought you could've found Wally through the storm...

But had you realized earlier that you couldn't do anything about it, that it was best to head back to safety, everything would've been so much simpler. ...Maybe you would've understood, once the horizons had cleared up, that there's more to life than fretting over a boy. That there's so many fields to explore, so many paths to walk on, so many people to meet. Maybe you would've let Wally and Artemis go their own way, hand in hand, as they headed toward a bright future together.

...Heh. You had been so stupid, so blinded all this time...

...It was a shame that you had to die now. That the oceans would now swallow you up, and you'd be forever lost, your soul gone afloat.

But at least you were finally satisfied. Finally... Happy.

Smiling weakly, you closed your eyes, waiting to be taken.

The rough waters warmly embraced you, playfully twirling you with its current, making your form dance and dance in this new peace that you had established with yourself.

Slowly, your thoughts gave in to the comforting darkness, glad that finally, the suffering was over. You'd get the rest you so direly needed, and you'd be happy, watching over Wally and Artemis and their to-be children.

Just as you felt the world start to fade out, you held your hands out, offering what you no longer needed. Your feelings for Wally.

Off they flew, just like birds, speeding and shooting out of the water, into the skies, to be forever wandering.

Finally, you'd move on.

With a soft, internal sigh, you closed your eyes, your body going limp, smiling...Smiling at the fact that now, your non-sided feelings for Wally would let you sleep.

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