Red Arrow x Reader: Bad Day

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2nd person POV

     Today. Was. Not. Your. Day.

Your day started off with you waking up late for school. You had tied your hair into a messy ponytail and pulled on some clothes from the dirty pile 'cause goodness, you had like, a billion piles of laundry that you never bothered to pick up, so how in the world were you supposed to know that these weren't supposed to be worn?

Anyway, you told yourself that hey, I've woken up in the worst way possible yet there's still breakfast to be happy about, right?


Wally ate all of the fridge's ruddy contents. How absolutely surprising.

So you went to school with an absent stomach, with a rather sour mood and... Ugh. With some stinky clothes. Just. Great.

You arrived late to Math class. Yes, Math class, which made the detention during lunch even bloody worse. The sun was calling, ready to embrace you and make your day at least a little better but... Nope. Numbers only added to the many horrible things that had happened to you today.

And, to top off a lovely afternoon, you had some History and your Language class. Which, let me tell you, also went swimmingly!

When you finally reached Mount Justice, you just felt like killing someone off. Stealing Superman's eyes to roast some idiot, or maybe inheriting Hawkman's wings to fly someone up high and then just drop then and watch them fall. To. Their. Doom.

Unfortunately, taking out your frustration on others isn't really part of the superhero gig, so you had to find another solution.

Say hello to the punching bag!

Currently, you were beating the living crap out of the poor sucker. Imagining it being your morning alarm, or Wally, or your darn Math teacher, or that hormonal thickhead that tried to grab your butt in the hallways.

But... Well, you happened to be more of an element bender rather than an actual hand-to-hand combat machine. So that bloody punching bag wasn't really taking any major blow, merely taunting you as it stood on its hinges, mocking, hahaha, you can't even hurt me!

Gritting your teeth, you let out a low growl as you throw a frustrated hit its way. However, pain shoots up through your hand and arm at the rough contact, and you yowl out, holding the damaged member in your hand.

And as if that wasn't enough, the training tool bounces back and pretty much just hits you in the face, the impact making you fall back onto your sorry butt.

Sitting up, you glare. Oh, this was it, this darn abomination was going down--

Familiar laughter. Your sight goes red with bloodlust.

Glancing over as you ball your hands into fists, you send daggers Roy's way as he straightens up from his slumped position against the wall. When did this brat get in here?

"Beaten up by the punching bag! How does that feel (Y/N)?" A taunting smirk as he approaches.

Ugh. You really aren't in the mood for his teasing. "You'll know if I get my bloody hands on you." This stops the male in his tracks.

He stares in shock for a moment, not used to this type of aggressive response, but it isn't long before his smirk flies back onto his lips. "Aww, is it that time of the month again?" He stuffs his hands into his pockets, looking down at you with a pout, like if you were a child.

Growling in irritation, you kick his knee, earning a slight grunt from him, before you swiftly get to your feet. Brushing yourself off, you mutter, eyes narrowed, "No. Now scram."

"Why would I?"

"Because I said so."

"And if I don't want to?"

"Then I'll make you!" You send a punch his way, although he stops it with ease. His smirk is gone now, replaced by a sincere, worried look.

"What's wrong (Y/N)? You're not yourself today."

"What do you mean?" You roughly rip your hand out of his grip.

He frowns, crossing his arms. "You never act like this when I tease you."

"And what if I don't want to deal with your crap today, Harper?" Huffing, you turn away from him.

You hear him sigh softly behind you before he takes a hesitant step closer to you, and puts a hand on your shoulder. "(Y/N), tell me what's wrong."

Annoyed, you whirl back toward him and can't keep yourself from hissing, "Why must you be so darn insistant about it?!"

Caught up in the heat of the moment, his temper finally snaps. His grip on your shoulder tightens as he yells back, "Because I want to help you! I don't like seeing you like this!!"

No longer able to keep it in, you glare as you spill the beans. "I had a bad day, okay!? A big bad day, and I'm just so completely done with life!! So get the hell out!!"

Of course, he doesn't yield to your will, simply observing you. You wait and hold your breath, waiting for a mocking remark to be thrown your way, waiting for him to say you're fretting so much for nothing.

But those words never come.

Instead, "...Know what'll make you feel better?"

The sudden softness in his voice seems to calm you, somehow. Your fists slowly uncurling, you hesitantly look up to meet his gaze as you weakly murmur, "What?"

A grin. Not a smirk. A real, sincere grin. "Netflix with some popcorn. Are you in?"

Doubting whether or not he's joking, pulling on a nasty prank, you raise a brow as you slowly question, "Really?"

"Really. I'll get the movie ready, you go get us some popcorn."

"Hey," you give him a playful glare, "who said I was sharing?" You're unable to keep a small smile from tugging at your lips.

Aaaand his smirk's back. Darnit. That irritating, overconfident smirk. "I did."

"Not if I can help it."

"I'll make you."

"Try me."

Just as he reaches out to grab your shoulder, you swiftly step away from him before starting to run out of the room, giggling. You hear him let out a chuckle of his own before he sets chase after you....Huh. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad day after all.

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