Red Arrow x Reader: Clothes

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Anyway, I'm about to finish school (I have only my English exam left to go) so yup, I have lots of free time in my hands, so I'll try updating more often, yay!
Also, for your info, I came up with this when I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep. XD ALSO, EXPECT SOME DIRTY ROY, IF YOU DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ XD

2nd POV
     You earned confused looks from your teammates as you zoomed through Mount Justice, trying not to run out of breath from your endless laughter. You tightly held the old-fashioned, yellow hat that was perched upon your (h/c) hair, not wanting to let it fall, although perhaps you should've been more concerned about whether or not you'd live this to tell the tale. As much as Roy had a soft spot for you-trust me, he really did-, stealing his stuff wasn't too wise.

Especially not his old Speedy attire, out of all things.

Hey, how could you have resisted? It was just sitting around in his closet, waiting, no, begging to be worn. Poor thing deserved a little bit of love... You couldn't help it.

And now, here you were, running and having a good time, although you should've really been running for your life.

"(Y/N)! Get back here!!"

His voice thundered through the halls. It would've made any sane person realize that hey, if I cherish my head, I might want to listen to him but... Nope. No way.

Because guess what? Your beloved head would be spared!

Well, probably, anyway.

Pffttt, he totally wouldn't murder you! Who kills off their crush, huh?

Oh yes, this poor boy had a crush on you, gorgeous you, magnificent you, perfect you-- Okay, cut the crap. He really did though, and he wasn't shy to show it.

Stealing your food just so you'd get annoyed at him, playing a horror movie on purpose when you'd sit next to him on the couch so you'd fearfully snuggle up to him, constantly asking you if you wanted to go hang out at the coffee shop...

His approaches weren't always so cute and innocent though. Sometimes, he'd give your ass a nice spank when he'd walk past you, pretending not to have done such a thing. Whenever he could, BAM! shirt off as he'd show off, whether he be training or just lifting a few things. And, your personal favourite... When he'd casually come up behind you, his chest molding perfectly into your back, his calloused hands soft upon your shoulders, his voice husky as he'd murmur into your ear, "No one's here but us, you know..."

Of course, you never let him know that you loved all this attention you were receiving. You'd usually pretend to be oblivious to his intentions, or tease him but then turn him down.
You were surprised he hadn't yet figured out that his feelings were two-sided. Honestly, everyone knew but him. What kind of girl just lets some hot redhead eat her breakfast without killing him??

You weren't about to tell him though. You were curious as to what he'd do next to try and get you to be interested in him.

That hopefully wouldn't involve him murdering you for stealing his Speedy clothes. The sound of his footsteps became louder and louder, giving away that he was closing in on you, and quickly. You urged a burst of speed into your run, not wanting to get caught quite yet, but--

Curse Roy and his damned height. Why do tall guys have to run so fast??

You struggled against his unforgiving embrace, trying to free yourself, but of course that was downright useless.

"Game over, (Y/N)." Whoops. He didn't sound too happy.

Turning over in his arms so you were facing him, you looked up, only to be met by his deadpan expression. You let out a nervous laugh. "Y-Yeah, seems like it. Can you let me go now?" You gave him an innocent grin, hoping he'd perhaps fall for it and forgive you.

His stony face didn't soften one bit. Ignoring your question, he growled, "Put those clothes back where you found them."

Not willing to back down, you crossed your arms and smirked up at him. "Nope. I'm not taking these off."

...A smirk gradually forming on his lips. Uh-oh.

"In that case, I will."

Your eyes widened signicantly at this. Too shocked to respond, you were unable to push him away when he leaned in and attacked your neck.

You couldn't help but gasp when you felt him lick and nibble at the sensitive skin, shivering slightly against him. And again, you were frozen in your spot, unable to fend him off. Roy had never gone this far before. Maybe he had caressed your shoulders and arms a few times, but nothing more...

You were zapped back to reality when he boldly slipped a hand into your -his?- sleeve. "R-Roy, stop." Why did your voice have to tremble!?

He ignored your words, happily carrying on as he attempted to find your weak spot.

"Someone could walk in and see us."

"I know you want it as much as I do (Y/N)."

Hell yeah you did. But you weren't going to let him know that.

"Roy, let me go--" You were cut off by your own quiet moan. The archer smirked against your newly-found sweet spot, starting to greedily abuse it. Your hand found his fiery hair, pressing him closer against you, despite your brain's shrieking to not give in to him.

You were unable to speak, your breathing coming out in small pants as his hands felt up your curves. Finally, when they reached the back of your bra and started fiddling to try and unclip it, you couldn't handle it any longer. "Y-Your room Roy."

Said male hummed in satisfaction, pulling back from you. You whined at the loss of contact, earning a quiet chuckle from him. Raising a brow at you, he lowly commented, "I knew you wanted it."

Frustrated, you shot him a glare and growled, "Don't rub it in, Harper. Now come on." Roughly grabbing his hand, you started hastily walking toward his room, forcing him to follow along.

"Why, aren't we eager?"

"Shut it." You were glad your face was turned away from him, for you wouldn't have wanted him to see your light blush.

Thankfully, it wasn't too long before you reached your destination. You guided him into it before promptly closing and locking the door, and then turning back toward him. His lust-filled gaze eyed you hungrily as he stepped forward, reaching out to gently pin you against the wall. He licked his lips before approaching yours, your noses brushing ever so slightly. Shivers of excitement were sent down your spine at his hushed question;

"Now, where were we?"

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