Parent! Red Arrow! x Parent! Reader! : Gone (Part 3)

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Finally, the last chapter, hope you guys enjoy!

Notes: -Y/D/N = your daughter's name, Y/B/N = your boy's name 

-E/C = eye colour, H/S = Head shape (rounded, triangular, squared, etc.)

2nd person POV

After five years of mourning and regret, she was back. After five years of reassuring your husband it wasn't his fault, she was back. She was finally back.

Oddly enough, the happy tears didn't come as you drove to the town's bus station. Nor did the big, goofy, 'my daughter's back' grin. In fact, you were frozen to the car's driver seat, eyes steadily fixed ahead.

You had a hard time believing it, in all honesty. You hadn't heard about (Y/D/N), nor did Artemis and Wally about Dallas, after the fight that resulted in your daughter fleeing five years ago.

Why would she be back now? It's not like she needed a home, she was now 20, she could legally go live in her own apartment. It wasn't anyone's birthday, nor any type of holiday. It was just a typical warm spring day. So why now?

Yet, despite all these doubts that swam through your mind, you really, really wished it was true, that it wasn't just a prank.

Roy hadn't believed it one second though. In fact, it only made him upset. After all these years, he still believed he was the sole one responsible for (Y/D/N) running away. Before departing, you had given him a quick, loving kiss and a hug. You also promised you'd be back shortly, leaving him to retreat to your bedroom.

You sighed deeply, letting yourself bury your face into your hands at a red light.

This better not be a joke. Roy needed to see his beloved daughter to realize he wasn't completely at fault, or he'd continue living so pointlessly and gloomily as he had been for the past five years, and like he had back when he was searching for the original Speedy.

Please, let this be true.

Your silent prayers were answered.

At the bus station, you exited your car but merely sat on its hood, not bothering to go in the building since most people had bunched into a crowd outside its doors.

Your eyes eagerly scanned the group, searching, until finally...

There she was.


Damn did she look like you. Honestly, if you didn't know it was her, you would've surely mistaken her for a clone.

You admired her lovingly from your spot. She hadn't changed much. Same glorious (e/c) eyes, same (h/s) face, not the same hairstyle but no matter, but especially...

She still had her perfect, joyful smile.

And as she turned that smile toward you, you couldn't help but grin back widely. Waving frantically, you called out, "(Y/D/N)!"

She stared at you in disbelief for a few moments, recognizing you. As you hopped off your car and started to make a run for it toward her, she seemed to get a grip on herself and giggled before starting to rush toward you as well, cheering, "Mom!"

You two carelessly pushed through the crowd toward each other, uttering out quick apologies before finally, you reached each other, throwing each other into a bone-breaking, yet the most comforting hug you've ever experienced. Unable to even pronounce each other's happiness and relief to be together again, you simply giggled, embracing each other like if your life depended on it... And it sure as hell felt like it did.

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