New World

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From now on i will be putting  pictures of the weapons above so that anyone can know what they are and not need to look it up

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From now on i will be putting pictures of the weapons above so that anyone can know what they are and not need to look it up. Up top is the saw cleaver and the blunderbuss .)

3rd pov

"Hey you okay?" asked Jaune patting (Y/N) on the back.

(Y/N) turned and nodded lightly "Yeah i'm fine." He said and put his hands down as the doll slowly approached him.

"Good (Y/N) Perhaps we have this world all wrong. May haps there are no beasts here to hunt." She said holding her hands gently above her skirt.

(Y/N) looked at her and nodded his head "Indeed." he said and looked around lightly

"Beasts? what you mean the Grimm?" asked Coco making (Y/N) look at her his eyes open wide lightly.

"You mean beasts live in this world as well?" He asked her looking around.

"What do you mean by beast?" Yatsuhashi asked crossing his arms. he had asked a question everyone wanted to know on what (Y/N) meant by beast.

"A beast. A infected blood monster from the healing church. There once human bodies were broken and mutated into unnatural things. Spitting pus and acids from there mouths, Tendrils of flesh and the spiders." With that everyone shivered even (Y/N) "And worst of all the infected. Men, women and children turned into psycho killers almost instantly." He said and everyone was staring at him.

"So what's Yharnam like?" Asked jaune looking at (Y/N) remembering he mentioned it.

(Y/N) looked at him "I'd tell you but you would have nightmares." he said simply.

"Well how bad is it?" Coco asked crossing her arms lightly.

"There is a river of blood running through it. Human blood." He stated making Jaune rub his arms.

"So what do we do with you now?" Ren asked finally speaking up.

"Maybe we should take him to Ozpin?" Velvet asked looking at everyone.

"I guess we should." Coco sighed "Come on." she said and began walking as (Y/N) fallowed close as not to get lost.

(Y/N) Pov)

I walked along everyone fallowed close behind. I looked around as we came to a large gated building. I raised a brow at the building as we slowly entered the gates looking around. I turned to the doll and raised my shoulders. She shrugged looking around as well. Son we entered a tower and walked to the end of the hall. As we walked a metal door opened and everyone climbed in. I had entered and the doll fallowed. I had no idea what the hell this was but looked as Jaune pushed something making a circle begin to glow. I raised a brow and attempted to push another when Ren slapped my hand away. I quickly pulled my hand back and lightly glared at him then let it go and put my hands behind my back. Then we began to move. I looked at the ground and everywhere else everyone giving me weird looks.

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