Cat got your tongue?

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I had walked to my room after talking to Blake and rubbed my chin gently. I wondered what to do with her and thought it would be okay to go to dinner and maybe a movie. I had changed my clothes into a fresh pair of my normal hunters uniform. I had walked back out to begin planning. 

Meanwhile in the Hall of Doom! jk Meanwhile with blake and her pov)

I was on my bed and could help but kick my legs out smiling wide. Wiess huffed in annoyance, "Why do you get to ask him out first?" She asked a bit annoyed. 

I looked over at her smiling "Cause I won rock paper scissors." I said and went back to hugging my pillow. 

"I just it seems unfair, After all I saw him first." Weiss said making me look at her.

"No you didn't I did." I said then saw yang and ruby kick open the door. 

"Guy's you aren't going to believe it!" Ruby said and ran in and jumped on her bed.

"What?" Weiss asked crossing her arms.

"(Y/N) Just got changed and I got pictures." She said holding up a picture of my future boyfriend without a shirt on. I turned red and tried to take it but Weiss took it first and got a slight nose bleed. 

(Back to your pov, plus time skip)

I was walking to Blakes dorm and wondered what she liked. I rubbed my chin then realized I had already got there and was just standing infront of the door. I knocked gently and heard shuffling. I was about to open the door when Blake opened it revealing her in a very beautiful black dress. 

I smiled "You look stunning." I said extending my hand for her to take. She blushed and took it and we began to head out on the town. 

We had gotten dinner and just finished a movie which was based on a book Blake liked, it was called ninjas of.... something I fell asleep half way through. We were walking back to beacon hand in hand smiling. I had a nice time and I hoped Blake did as well. We walked to her dorm and she turned and looked at me with a small smile with pink cheeks.

"I had a really good time tonight." She said which made me feel good about myself.

"I'm pleased to hear it." I said and watched her fumble with her keys. I slowly moved forward and lifted her chin gently. The pink grey gently and I slowly leaned down and was about to kiss her which she closed her eyes to receive it but then saw the two from before. I stared daggers at them as they watched me. I kissed Blake on the cheek "Sorry I have to go. Maybe we'll get to finish this later." I said and walked off to face them. I could feel the disappointment blake had as she entered her dorm. I growled as I marched towards them. 

"You two better have a good reason to be fallowing me." I stated and clenched my fists. 

"I think we forgot to introduce ourselves." The green girl said. "My name is Emerald and my.... acquaintance Mercury." She motioned to the silver haired boy. 

I crossed my arms. "I don't care. What do you want?" I asked to which Emerald shrugged. 

"Well we have someone we want you to meet." She said and smiled. 


"Our boss. Her name is-" 

"Cinder." An unknown female voice said behind me. I turned and saw a woman in a red dress smiling at me and her bright yellow eyes stared at me. I clenched my fist watching her. 

"And what is it you want?" I asked her and watched as she moved closer. 

"I want you." She said and placed a hand on my chest. "You seem more then capable of taking down powerful enimies and I want you on my side." 

I grabbed her wrist and removed her hand "I'm not interested. Now let me make this clear. Keep your nose clean and I won't kill you." I said and began walking off heading to my dorm.

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