Familiar faces

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I wondered the streets for a goof minute or two until I saw the building the same from my dream. Beacon. I had begun walking towards it and sure as hell took my time. I walked for hours and by the time I had gotten there it was dark. I checked my jacket but didn't appear to have a pocket watch. I sighed and continued. I attempted to open the gates but found them locked. I looked up at them and simply raised a brow. I sighed and pulled harder until the entire gate opened after I shattered the lock. I began walking for a while looking for the dorms. I found them after an hour of wondering the campus. I slowly entered the dormitory and began walking. I checked each door by opening it slowly as I didn't feel any locks. There was one dorm where I found a small bag of cookies which I took and put in my jacket pocket. I continued to search floor after floor. I got to the fourth floor and after one turn I had began to look to the left and opened the door and saw two sets of make shift bunk beds.

I looked at each. On the left was a girl with yellow hair and one with a black bow. I turned and saw the other set. Once I did look I saw a girl on the top bunk with silver eyes staring at me. I could practically taste the fear from her. I walked forward and she was going to scream. I placed my finger on her lip and gently shushed her. She began to looked more panicked and I had a feeling on what to do. I pulled the cookies out of my jacket pocket and handed it to her. Her panic turned to joy as she grabbed it opened it and began to eat it. I looked below to the bunk under her and saw who I came to see. I dropped to one knee and admired her. Weiss Schnee was sleeping. The last time I saw her she was just a girl and now she was a woman. I ran my hand through her platinum blonde hair. It was so smooth it felt like silk. I admired her beauty then saw the scar over her eye. I ran my hand gently over it knowing something must have happened while I was out. I sighed and stood up then looked at the girl happily eating her cookies. I remember her name. It was Ruby. I pet her head gently before fixing my collar lightly and walking out shutting the door behind me. I then looked to my left then to my right then realized I was a total creep. I shrugged and headed out but not to far. I wanted to see how she was since I was gone. 

I spent the next day just fallowing her. I was happy she had friends. When we were kids she didn't have any other than me. I saw her smile which made my hear feel lighter. I didn't know if it was a serious medical problem but I didn't care. She seemed to genuinely enjoy life which made me happy. When she returned to her room I just sat on a bench in the courtyard knowing after all these years I didn't need to worry about Weiss. I decided I would go see her one last time then leave. Maybe head to Atlas. I headed to her room when the sun went down. I walked to the dorms and headed up the stairs. I smiled behind the small cloth mask and rubbed the back of my nack gently. I opened the door and saw the four girls all awake and staring at me. No not staring. Glaring at me. I slowly pulled my hand away from the door just looking at them. 

"Who are you?" Yang asked. I remembered all there names.

"Why are you fallowing us." Blake asked her hand on the hilt of her sword. 

"Well you see..." I began to say then turned on my heels and began running. I ran as fast as I could down the halls the girls hot on my tail. I saw a small window and quickly dove through it. I landed on the ground and rolled stoping on one knee. I turned and looked up just in time to see the four of them still after me. I began running again this time to the front gate. I ran but was tackled to the ground. I was turned over and my arms pinned to my side. I growled and looked up to see Weiss. She had managed to catch up to me. I looked to the side and saw her glyphs there behind her and her friends still running.

"Nice to see you've been doing good." I said looking back up at Weiss. 

"Who are you?!" She demanded .

"Your old man sure knew some cheep moves. A bottle was hardly fair." I stated to which her eyes widened in shock. 

"(Y-Y/N)?" She asked and could see the tears in her eyes. Her grip was less tight. I moved my hand and pulled the mask down. I saw tears fall from her cheeks and I just gave her a kind smile.

"It's nice to see you again Snow Princess." I said my little nickname for her.

She hugged me close to which I returned. I heard her cry as I just rubbed her back gently. Her team surrounded us and just watched. She pulled back and I was going to say something when she smashed her lips on mine. My eyes widened and I just slowly melted into it. I wrapped my arms around her and just enjoyed it. She pulled away and turned bright red before punching me in the gut knocking the wind out of me. 

"You idiot why didn't you tell me you were okay!?" She questioned puffing her cheeks and crossing her arms and looking away her cheeks still pink.

"Well by the time I got here the first time it was night time." I stated which didn't make her happy.

"Then why didn't you wake me up?!"

"What are you doing now?" I asked while she was still sitting on my chest. She blushed more and got off of me rubbing her shoulder. I slowly stood up.

"Well at east I know you can take care of yourself." I said smiling at her.

"What are you gonna do now. I mean you haven't been awake for what two days?"

"Three and I guess I should leave. You don't need me so I shouldn't be here." I said and looked at her and could see the tears in her eyes. I pulled my mask back up and turned to leave when I felt something grab my arm. I turned and saw Weiss holding my arm pulling back with all her might.

"No!" She screamed trying to pull me harder. "I lost you once I won't let you go again!" She said and could see the tears in her eyes. Her teammates just stared in confusion. 

"It's a long story. Which I would be happy to tell you seeing as I'm going to be here a while." I said and Weiss looked up at me smiling brightly. I rubbed her head then sighed. 

After a long story and a lot of explaining later I finished my story on what happened. 

"So.... You were stuck in a dream full of monsters then killed a doll and now your back?" Yang asked trying to sum it up.

"Yeah." I said crossing my arms.  

"So.... You've been... training?" Weiss asked not looking at me. 

"I supose you could call it that." I replied then moved my hands and looked down at them. 

"How skilled are you?" Blake asked.

"Enough to kill anything or anyone in my way." I replied looking at her. 

"Well. Since you're staying would you be willing to spar?" Weiss asked sitting up straight. 

I shifted my gaze to her. "My dear if you mean, you four attempt to fight me but end up broken I believe I can abide." I stated.

"Oh you think you can take us on coma boy?" Yang asked standing up. 

"I know I can." I replied smirking crossing his arms. 

"No!" Weiss said standing up. "We can do this later." She said and walked to me and hugged my arm. "I just wanna spend some time with you." She said nuzzling closely. From that day on I felt truly complete.

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