The new guardian

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(Y/N) Pov

It had been roughly two hours since the tour and i had just been shown to me and the dolls room. I looked at it up and down, under and over. It was decently sized with four beds, a desk, a bathroom with a pretty nice tub and shower? I suppose that's what it's called. It all and all was nice. Better than sleeping on the grass in the dream. Although the dream was beautiful at times it was terrifying. I looked at the doll and then realized there were four beds instead of two. I sighted and walked to the desk and pulled off my hat and mask and put it on the desk then pulled my jacked off as well as my boots and put them next to the desk. I sighed and opened the door. As I moved to one of the beds to pull it outside I heard the door creak shut and turned and sighed in annoyance. I looked around but found nothing to prop it and put my hand out for the messengers and waited as they brought the Kirkhammer (Picture above). I picked it up in one hand and quickly reopened the door and put down so that the door didn't swing shut. I sighed and grabbed the bed-frame and began to drag it outside. It took a few minutes to find the exit and take it outside. I kicked the bed frame down a flight of stairs making it crumble at the buildings entrance. I scratched my chin and began to walk back to my room.

"Sir please stop." I heard as I turned the corner and saw the Doll along with a few boys. The boys wore the same clothes so I assumed that was the schools uniform. The tallest one. Roughly i'd say five inches taller than me had his arm to the wall and was pinning the Doll in one spot. I slowly walked forward and crossed my arms. 

"Excuse me sir can I help you?" I asked and tapped my foot a bit annoyed. 

"None of your business loser."  The male with orange hair said not bothering to look at me which made me a bit more annoyed. I grabbed the Kirkhammers hilt and lifted up putting it on my shoulder. 

"Fine allow me to re word the phrase. Get out of here before I crush every bone in your body." I stated.

The male simply turned and looked at me and smirked before cracking his knuckles. He then pulled his hand back and before he could swing I did. I punched him in the gut with my free hand making his clench the area I hit. I then spun around moving the hammer off my shoulder smashing it against the side of the boys head sending him flying into the wall. He then managed to push himself up and i quickly swung the heavy weapon again sending halfway down the hall. His friends all turned and looked at me. "I was holding back too. You don't want to see me when I get serious." I said making the boys run off to get there friend. I looked at the doll and motioned with my head to go inside. I was about to fallow her when I sensed someone walk behind me. I quickly pressed the button on the hilt the hammer sheath fell off hitting the ground with a load thud. I quickly turned around spinning the sword in my fingers and skilfully pointing it at the person behind me. 

The female was dressed in black and red with her short black hair ending with red tips. She jumped in surprise and put her hands up. "Whoa buddy calm down." She said and took a step back. I rolled my eyes and re sheathed the blade the messengers came and took it away. 

"And who might you be?" I asked putting my hands behind my back.

"Oh I'm Ruby, Ruby Rose." She said and put her hand out to shake. I accepted and nodded. 

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N)."I said introducing myself 

 "So I heard you where a new student. Hey my team and I were about to head to first period with Mr.Oobleck or Doctor... I dunno our history teacher." She said like she just gave up completely. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Anyways who do you have first period?" She asked smiling brightly.

"Nobody I'm not a student. I guess you can consider me campus security." I said and headed to my room as the bell rang and Ruby ran off. I chuckled and headed inside and saw the doll had pushed two beds together to make one king sized and one extra for her. I smiled looking at her sitting on the bed. "Nice job here." I smiled and moved to the bigger bed and moved some stuff making it nice. I cracked my back and put my gear back on then looked at the doll. 

"I'm going to head out. Check out the classes." I said and she nodded. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. I turned around to get my barrings in order then began to walk out of the dormitory. I had gotten outside and headed to the main school building. I remembered the teachers name that Ruby had first period and decided to visit.  

I opened the door silently and stepped in and shut it making sure not to disturb anyone. I looked at the students then to the teacher. I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms listening to the teacher.

"Mr.Ark can you tell me why the sneak attack on the faunus camp?" He asked speaking pretty fast. I looked up and saw team JNPR all there. I smiled at this and waited for Jaunes answer. 

"Uhhh..." He said and looked around and looked at Pyrrah. She motioned to her eyes and Jaune looked back at the teacher "Uhhhh... Binoculars?" He said and even I laughed lightly at this. 

"No Mr. Ark they did not use Binoculars." He said and looked around and saw me. "Perhaps our new resident guardian can Inform us?"Everyone turned there attention towards me.

I took a moment to think then spoke up "From what I can assume Faunus are closely related to animals. So I would assume like most animals they senses are much superior to humans especially sight meaning they should have almost perfect night vision."

"Very good. Thank you for being here with us, Now back to the lesson at hand." He said and continued to teach. I smiled and scratched the back of my head. 

The moment the lesson was over I just stood up and walked out of the room. That was until I heard an all to familiar voice shout "Heyy (Y/N)!" I turned around and saw none other than Ruby Rose. I smiled and turned and faced her and noticed three other girls with her. She stopped a foot away from me. "Heyy I saw you in Ooblecks class." she said and I nodded and looked at the other girls. "Ohh sorry these are my teammates," She said and began to introduce them.

"This is Blake." She introduced the black haired girl. Her amber eyes seemed pretty lazy. The bow on her head twitched and I knew she was part faunus. 

"Hey.." She said as she immediately put her nose in a book. 

"My big Sister yang." She introduced the blonde haired girl with stunning purple eyes. I noticed her wild yellow long hair and just looked at her. 

"Hey there handsome~" She said and put her hands on her hips. I had to rub my eyes to attempt to avoid looking at her bust. I heard Ruby and Yang silently begin to argue but soon stop as I look back up.

"And last is Weiss." She said with little enthusiasm. Weiss looked at Ruby not to happy with her introduction and shot daggers at her. 

Weiss walked up to me and extended her hand "I'm Weiss Schnee Heiress to the Schnee dust company." She said while I shook her hand. I was taken a bit back and had to shake a bit my head to realize that. 

Respectfully I gently shook her hand and pulled her hand up and kissed her hand gently "A pleasure to meet you ma'am." I said which made her smile a bit of color going to her pale skin.  I looked at Yang and Ruby who both had a bit of anger at Weiss and Blake had turned around and it looked like she was aggressively reading her book. I smiled lightly and tipped my hat to the four. "Ladies I bid you a fare well." I said and began to walk off.

Weiss's pov

I turned to the rest of my team "I call him." I said and crossed my arms smiling.

"Weiss you can't call a guy. well not unless you... well you know." Replied yang who got a grossed look from yang.

"To bad I just did." I said and was going to twirl on my heels.

"How about a bet?" Asked Blake who turned around looking at me.

"What type?" I asked raising a brow.

"First to kiss him on the lips can have him." She said and closed her book.

"Deal!" Everyone said in unison  

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