LOTUS (part five)

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Lucifer is pacing back and forth at the President’s compound.

"I grant a full pardon..."

"Hmm," he hummed grinning.

"...to Charles Manson."

The cell phone on the table buzzes and Lucifer picks it up.

"Kelly." Lucifer’s expression turned stern as he listened to Kelly.


Two black SUV’s pull away from the President’s compound and into the ‘Plains Motel’ parking lot. A guard gets out of the SUV and walks over to Lucifer who is sitting in the back. Lucifer rolls down the car window.

"Sir, we agreed to keep this small like you asked. We're gonna go inside, run a quick sweep." The guard assured Lucifer.

"Absolutely. Wouldn't want anything happening to me."

The guard walks to the hotel room door. Kelly opens it and the guards walk in.

"Ms. Kline." The guard says.

The guards searched the room. Sam, Dean and Rowena were waiting in an adjacent room. One man opened a closet and found Castiel standing there. Cas placed two fingers on the guard’s temple.

"There's no one in here but Kelly. Go wait in your car." Castiel spoke to the man in a hypnotizing way.

"It's clear. Let's go." The guards leave the room. Lucifer’s guard approached his window.

"There's no one in there but Kelly. We'll wait in the car."

Lucifer exited the SUV and walked to the hotel room door. Kelly opened it.

"Kelly. Kelly, what's wrong?" Lucifer asked her.

"I told you on the phone. I can't have this baby." Lucifer grabbed Kelly around the neck and slammed her into a wall.

He looked at Kelly in disgust. "I'm afraid I'll have to insist."

His eyes glowed red as he choked Kelly. Sam burst out of the adjacent room holding the Hyperbolic Pulse Generator. He placed his hand on a sigil that was painted on the inside of the door he came through.

"Sam!" Lucifer yelled annoyed.

"Vade retro."

"We've done this dance so many times." Lucifer found this funny. He knew they wouldn't win.

"Princeps Inferni."

The Hyperbolic Pulse Generator began to glow and Lucifer looked worried. He walked away from Kelly and towards Sam. The Hyperbolic Pulse Generator shot out a white light at Lucifer’s chest, driving him away. A strong wind was created by the light stream coming out of the Hyperbolic Pulse Generator. Sam was struggling to keep his place as Dean burst into the room.


Lucifer swept his arm towards Dean and Rowena but nothing happened. Light bulbs began to pop as the stream of light continued to pulsate into Lucifer.

"Rowena, now!" Dean screamed.

Rowena was standing over a table with a large bowl and candles on it. She dropped something into the bowl and flames erupted.

She started to chant in latin. "Mah tay, ez loh, say tah!"

The light pulse continued for several seconds as the wind and noise started to pick up on the room. Lucifer's face started to crack and light can be seen under his skin.

Lucifer began to yell at them all. "This isn't over, Sam!"

"Go to Hell!" Sam yelled.

"Mah tay, ez loh, say tah! Mah tay, ez loh, say tah!"

A stream of white light streamed out of Lucifer’s mouth, swirled around the hotel room and down into a heating vent. The room went quiet. With Lucifer out of his body Jeff collapsed to the floor. Castiel went to him.

"He's alive. He won't remember a thing."

"Oh, Jeff. Oh, my God. Jeff? Oh, my God." Kelly said. She was so worried about the man she loved.

"We gotta go. Get her out of here. Go." Sam hurriedly said.

"Wait, wait." Kelly said trying to stop everyone.

"Kelly, you gotta go. Go." Sam tried to convince her to leave.

"We got him. We got Lucifer." Dean said relieved. He let go a breath that he didn't even know he was holding.

Outside the hotel room the security guards were approaching the door with guns drawn. Inside, Jeff started to rouse.

"Mr. President?" Sam tried to wake the man up.

"Okay. All right. Take it easy, Tiger." Dean said.

"Mr. President!" A guard says from behind Sam and Dean.

"On your feet! - Hands on your heads!"

Castiel and Kelly leave out a back door as the guards enter the hotel room.

"Whoa." Sam said.

"Hands on your heads!"

"Okay, listen, we were just trying to—" Sam tried to explain what happened but the guard was having none of it.

"Shut up! You're under arrest for the attempted assassination of the President of the United States."

As one black SUV pulled away from the hotel, a heavy duty armored vehicle pulled in. Sam and Dean are taken out of the hotel room in handcuffs. Rick looked on as they are loaded into the armored car. Sam and Dean looked at each other worriedly.


Cas and Kelly are sitting in a diner.

"I'm sorry. I just...I need a minute." Kelly went towards ladies restroom. She hesitated at the door and when Cas wasn’t looking, she snuck out the front door. As she crossed the parking lot,  she took out her cell phone. Castiel started to get nervous and stood outside the restroom door.

"Kelly. Kelly, are you all right?"

In the parking lot Kelly gets into a cab.

"Kelly?" As Castiel opened the restroom door, his cell phone rang.


"Castiel...I can't do it." Kelly spoke softly.

"Kelly..." Castiel was going to convince her to not keep the baby.

"I can feel it inside me. I'm its mother."

"Kelly, you listen to me. This is not a baby. This is the spawn of Lucifer."

"It's my child." She said and then hung up quickly.

"No, no. Kelly, you..." As Castiel runs out of the diner he sees that Kelly is nowhere in sight.

Kelly is gone with Lucifers spawn and Sam and Dean are now in the armored car as it drives down the road.

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