Find The Sword

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I began to come to when I felt someone shaking my arm.

"Rissa, wake up. We're here."

My eyes fluttered open and I tried to adjust to the bright sun shining into the car. I was a little disoriented but quickly, I knew where we were.

I got out of the car and helped the guys bring in our bags. Once again, the motel smelled like cigarette smoke and mildew, but appearance wise, it looked pretty decent.

I placed the bags on the floor and flopped myself onto the bed. I took a deep breath and sighed, feeling the tension in my muscles slightly release.

"Don't go to sleep yet. We still need to find the sword." Dean closed the motel door and Sam sat at one of the chairs that was next to a table across the room, near the door.

I groaned at how fatigue I was feeling. "Can't we find it tomorrow?"

"No can do sweetheart. The quicker we find this sword, the better. Plus, you'll be better at fighting off demons."

Dean took out his cell phone and dialed a number that I assumed was Cas'.

"Yeah. Hey, we're here. Did you get the address? Okay. Okay. Thanks Cas."

Dean hung up and stared at Sam and I. "So Cas is going to send me the address. But he suggests that we wait until after nine p.m. to make our move. He said during the day, the place is crawling with security guards."

"Security guards? Where is the place?" Sam looked a little concerned. His eyebrows were pushed together in a worried look.

Dean shrugged. "No clue. Cas just found the address. He doesn't know what type of building it is. In the meantime, you," Dean said pointing to me. "...can sleep until it's time. And I will go get us some food."

Dean grabbed his leather jacket and keys and left me and Sam alone. I looked at Sam and he smiled and began to take his laptop out.

"Are you going to do research?" I asked him.

He shook is head. "No. I'm going to look up the address and see where Cas is sending us. You can never be too sure. And I want to make sure that we are ready and have a good sense of direction about where we're headed."

I nodded and laid my head on the motel pillow. The pillow smelled of laundry detergent and I think that's the only thing that smelled clean in this junk motel.


I woke up with no one in the room. Dean wasn't back and the chair that Sam was sitting on was empty. His laptop still on the table, but it was closed.

"Sam? Dean?"

No answer.

Dean probably hadn't come back yet and maybe Sam just went for some fresh air. I got up and walked to the mirror that was hanging on the wall. My hair looked like a birds nest so I put it up in a bun, some of my short hairs falling down to my face.

I sat at the chair that Sam was sitting on and opened his laptop. A website page was opened already. I couldn't help but snoop at what Sam was looking at.

"'How to tell if a girl likes you'." I read the title out loud and slightly confused.

The article went on talking about girls' actions and how they will react when they liked a guy.

I laughed at how inaccurate the information was. "No girl is going to drop her things on purpose for a guy to notice her."

I continued reading and laughing to myself that I didn't even notice Sam coming out of the bathroom right behind me.

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