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I knew this trip was going to be long. So I brought snacks and a book to read in the car.

Before leaving the bunker, I Googled how long the drive would take. Unfortunately it was going to take around twenty-two hours to get there.

"Do you guys even know where the sword is?" I asked.

"Weren't you awake for the location spell we did on it?" Dean said with sarcasm dripping from his mouth.

I rolled my eyes at his immaturity. "No duh. I meant, do you guys know where it's at? As in, Van Nuys is a pretty big city and we don't know what building it's in."

"When we get there, we will ask Cas to help us. I told him where we were going and he said he could help us." Sam explained to me.

I sat back in the car and tapped my fingers on the leather seat. I sighed because of how bored I was. I realized how worthless my book came to be when I began to get car sickness from just reading the title of the book.

A few hours in and I began to get hungry. I thanked myself for how smart I was to bring snacks. I reached into my duffel bag and took out a family sized bag of chips and a liter of Dr. Pepper.

"Who's family are you feeding?" Dean laughed. I gave him a dirty look as we looked at eachother in the rear view mirror.

"Shut up. Do you want any?"

Sam reached into the bag and got a handful of chips. Dean reached into the bag so aggressively he almost tore the whole bag straight down the middle.

"Relax, man. The chips aren't going anywhere." This time I laughed at Dean. He mocked me by making a face and rolled his eyes to look away.

A few more hours passed by and we needed about another ten hours to drive. "I'm going to die." I said.

"No you're not." Sam said so calmly

"Yes I am! I am so bored! Can we talk or something?"

"No." Dean said straight up.

"I'm going to talk about my world and all the shows I've watched of you guys.

"So Sam, what was it like to die when Dean gave up his soul for you?"

"Yeah we are definitely not talking about that." Dean said before Sam could even decide if he wanted to answer my question or not.

"It literally felt like I woke up from a sleep. Although I was a little sore from where I was stabbed. But something was off. When I woke up, something didn't feel right." His words slowly faded and I realized then that I asked a pretty stupid question.

"Okay Dean, why were you so damn hot when you were a demon? Why did you grow your hair out?"

Dean laughed and I could tell he felt flattered by my compliment to him. "Well I didn't cut my hair because I didn't care about my looks. As for being hot, sweetheart, I guess it just came with the 'Dean package'."

"And Sam, why were you so hot being soulless? Like you've always been this sweet little bean and then once you were soulless, you became this big muscular hunk. Like that came out of nowhere."

Sam laughed hard enough to make his hair shake. I smiled knowing how happy I was making these boys with my compliments. "Well I always work out when I have time, so I was always fit. I didn't care about being shirtless around anyone. But women were more attracted to me when I was a jerk. I guess that's why women love Dean so much." Sam laughed again and Dean swatted his arm.

"The ladies love me because of my great personality." He retorted.

"Yeah that's why." Sam sarcastically agreed.

We continued making fun of eachother. I was cracking jokes about the time when Sam had bad luck and lost his shoe. Then I made fun of Dean and how he was scared of everything when he had the ghost virus. I was laughing a little too hard, and eventually I had the bad urge to use the restroom.

"Uh guys? Sorry to be the killer of this joy party we're having but I have to pee."

Dean grimaced and turned to Sam and then put his eyes back onto the road. "T.M.I. Marissa!"

"I'm sorry but I gotta go!"

"Fine there's a resting stop not too far ahead. We will stop there for a little."


We finally got to the resting stop and I jumped out of the car before Dean had the chance to even turn the car off. I ran inside to ask for the bathroom key and ran to the restrooms that were on the other side of the building.

Boy was it a relief when I used the restroom.

I walked out of the restroom and I seen that Sam and Dean were still in the car, waiting. There were a few people in line, so I waited behind them to give the clerk the bathroom key back.

I looked around the place and there were so many clearance sales on chips that I wanted to get. But then I remembered that I had another whole bag of chips in my duffel.

I turned back around expecting the line to have moved at least a little bit, and everyone inside the store was staring at me.

"Uh, can I help you guys?" My speech stuttered slightly. The stares were making me nervous because that is never a good sign.

No one answered. My heart began to beat against my ribs and I swear a person was able to hear my harsh breathing. I moved side to side to make sure I was the one they were looking at. Their eyes followed me as I swayed back and forth.

Instantaneously, everyone's eyes turned black. My mouth dropped open and my eyes grew about ten times their natural size. I dropped the key in my hand and I ran to the entrance doors. Before I could reach it, the doors slammed, jamming and being unable to be opened with any force.

I turned around quickly, wishing I had some type of weapon with me. With an unseen force, I was picked up and thrown against one of the shelves that were stocked with candy. My back shot with pain and I felt unable to move or get up.

I tried with all of my strength to get up but I was feeling too weak. A man came up to me and grabbed me by my neck. I began gasping for air but his grip only tightened the more I tried to fight. Instead of choking me until I passed out, he let go of my neck and threw me against the wall. A bone from my body cracked and I winced with pain as I tried to fight the supernatural force.

As the demons walked closer, the man holding me against the wall made me slide up higher, my feet incapable of touching the floor.

The noise of glass shattering was pure music to my ears. All of the demons looked away from me and towards the shattering noise. Sam began to recite the exorcism incantation as Dean began killing the demons with the demon killing knife.

Once Sam was finished saying the incantation, all but one demon went back to Hell. And that was the one that was holding me against the wall.

He laughed at us all as the other demons vanished into the floor with a flood of black smoke. "You think you can kill me off with that kiddie spell? I'm much stronger than you think. Dagon will be so happy to know I killed all three of--"

The demon stopped talking and a reddish light shined out of his mouth and eyes. Dean was behind him out of sight, and extracted the knife from the demon's spine, dropping the demon dead to the ground.

I was finally released from the force and fell to the ground with a thud. I took a deep breath, trying to fill my lungs with air as much as I could. People say you never know what you have until it's gone, well I sure did not know how much I valued oxygen until I was able to breath without someone grabbing my neck.

Sam and Dean helped me to my feet. "You alright?" Dean began dusting off dirt from my jacket and jeans. I nodded my head in response, even though I knew Dean couldn't hear me.

"Who's Dagon?" I stammered.

"I don't know, but we will find out. Let's get out of here."

Sam, Dean and I walked back to the Impala. With the help of my two saviors, I was placed back into the backseat, where I laid my head to rest for the remaining time of the ride.

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