Chapter Nine.

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Rachel's P.O.V.

Lisa found me early the next morning, packing my bags for the trip to Lacus. She smelt like Beau and I knew that she'd been staying with him ever since the attack, she was dressed in one of his shirts and timid as she knocked lightly on the door frame, since the bedroom door was stood open.

"Not afraid of me anymore?" I asked, glancing back at her from over my shoulder as I worked on folding Tate's Spongebob boxers that I was taking with me on the trip. Lisa shyly wrapped her arms around her torso in a comforting hug.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, bowing her head in something that resembled shame but I refused to acknowledge it. I had promised her more than once that I would never hurt her yet she still didn't trust me enough to stick around after I'd killed the things threatening to kill her, after I'd protected her with my life.

"I don't want your apology Lisa-." I snapped a bit harsher than necessary causing her to flinch at my tone of voice. The sight of her fragile form allowed my gaze to soften as I breathed a heavy sigh "I want you to trust me" her head was still bowed, refusing to look up at me for fear of my glaring gaze "I want you to know that I'd never purposely hurt you" even though my voice was gentle and caring she still didn't look up and kept staring at the floor beneath her bare feet, body clad only in Beau's oversized shirt.

"Look at me, Lisa" I ordered, dropping Tate's boxer in order to make my way over to where Lisa was stood near the bedroom door. When I stopped in front of her and hesitantly reached a hand out to her, she flinched away and whimpered slightly "You're terrified, aren't you?" slowly she looked up to meet my gaze, eyes peeking at me from beneath her thick eyelashes, still hugging herself protectively. I sighed and dropped my hand back to my side.

"Lisa, you must understand that what you saw is normal to my kind, everyone in this pack including Beau has murdered before-." I tried to explain seeing the way her entire body tensed as she seemed to realise for the first time that the man she felt something for was no different than I was "It's our way of life, kill or be killed-." turning away from her, I headed towards the fireplace lit with a fire that flickered as though trapped in a dance as old as time "I'm no monster Lisa, I'm simply what everyone else here is...a werewolf" when I glanced back at her, she was staring at me with wide horrified brown eyes. She took a reflexed step back when I looked at her almost as if instinct was telling her to run but a figure appearing in the doorway held her in place, trapped.

"Luna, the sun will be rising soon" Adam announced, gaze emotionless as he glanced down at Lisa then turned his full attention onto me. I took a deep breath then nodded.

"I'll be there shortly, you may take my bags" I said motioning towards the duffle bag with a pair of yellow spongebob boxers hanging from it and a backpack propped full of food and water for the trip. Adam nodded and pushed his way past Lisa to get to the bags, zipping the duffle bag up after tossing the boxers inside and picking my luggage up to carry outside.

"I will give you two some privacy" he muttered, bowing his head towards me before he left, shutting the bedroom door behind him. I stared back into the fire.

"Before I go-." I whispered, reaching up to grip Tate's necklace for comfort as I turned to fully face Lisa "I want you to know that if I hadn't killed those men, you'd be dead right now" I didn't bother to hear her reply as I walked right past her and out the door, heading down the hall and towards the staircase. On my way there I found myself gazing at one of the lily paintings littering the house, gaze softening as I ran my fingers over the signature at the bottom of the framed picture. A small smile grazed my lips as I thought of a younger version of Vicky painting it, she loved lilies, they were her favorite flower growing up and they still were. 

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