Chapter Ten.

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Rachel's P.O.V.

I awoke the next morning to someone gently shaking my shoulder, I groaned and pulled the covers up over my head to hide my face from the sunlight pouring in through the open balcony doors.

"It's time to get up Luna-." Adam's voice reached my ears at the same time the smell of eggs and bacon and toast reached my nose.

"I brought breakfast" he added setting what sounded like a tray on my nightstand from the cluttering and clanging of dishes and a glass. At the mention of food I threw the sheets off me and stretched my arms out above me, yawning and rubbing at my tired eyes before sitting up straight.

"Food?" I groggily asked, crossing my legs in an Indian style position as Adam placed the tray in my lap. My foggy eyes blinked down at the platter of scrambled eggs, bacon pieces, toast without the crust, neatly cut and prepared with some grilled tomato pieces.

"I wasn't sure what you'd be craving so I brought everything I could find" he explained, holding a tub of chocolate ice cream and some lemons with salt out to me, there was a jar of peanut butter on the nightstand.

"How'd you know what I've been craving?" I asked taking the ice cream tub and cut lemon pieces from him, I opened the tub and dipped the lemon into the ice cream before squeezing it into my mouth. Adam's nose scrunched up in disgust at the sight "I asked Rebecca about it" nodding I closed the ice cream and placed it along with the lemons onto the bedside table so that I could get started on eating my breakfast, I ignored the eggs since the smell was enough to cause the bile to rise up in my throat and instead took a bite of bacon.

"You made this?" I asked after swallowing a mouthful of bacon and pointing to the plate of food in my lap with the fork I had clutched in hand. Adam shook his head with a breath of humorless laughter "Your mother did, I'm not good at anything except for fighting" I bravely tried a bite of egg which tasted alright, I managed to keep it down as I jabbed my fork in his direction, where he was sat on the foot of the bed.

"That's not true, you're good at other things too" he looked up at me with a raised brow, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips when he asked "Like?" I paused, stiffening for a moment as I glared down at my food, deep in thought. I'd only known Adam for a short period of time and there were still things I needed to learn.

"You're, well you're good at um-I've got nothing" Adam chuckled as I hung my head and picked at my food with a small smile plastered across my lips. He reached a hand out to ruffle my hair then got up off the bed.

"A meeting has been called for, you better get ready if you don't want to be late" as soon as the words had left his mouth, he was gone, closing the bedroom door behind him to give me some privacy. I sighed and set the tray aside before getting up from the bed and raising my arms high above my head to stretch out my aching muscles. It was a somewhat warm day outside, the sun was shining but a fresh layer of snow from last night covered the ground so I dressed in a pair of black leggings and a baggy purple hoodie, throwing my hair up into a messy bun and slipped on some trainers then hurried out the room only to find Adam waiting for me in the hall.

"Alec's already with Alpha Nicolas, they're waiting on us to arrive, Luna" Adam explained, leading the way down the hall and towards the office which was stationed near the staircase. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my hoodie as we walked.

"Rachel-." I uttered, catching Adam off guard and causing him to stop dead in his tracks, turning to look at me with a raised brow.

"Call me Rachel" I repeated and continued walking past him, after he'd regained his composure he was once again at my side, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye "As you wish, Rachel" the corner of my lips twitched upward as we reached the heavy wooden door, decorated in fine detailing with two guards stationed outside.

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