Chapter Sixteen.

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Rachel's P.O.V.

Lisa's condition was improving every day, she spoke more and understood more when we spoke but she still wasn't the same. Her mental state was that of a six year old and she still needed help preforming certain tasks like eating properly or getting dressed. 

We crossed the Mexican border and reached Monterrey at dusk, moving through the forest that overlooked the city. Lisa was in awe of all the pretty lights that lit the busy streets and skyscrapers of the city bellow the mountain side while I was scouring the forest in search of any form of life and a place to set up camp. We eventually found a spot near a ledge and Adam skidded to a stop, his paws digging into the snow and dirt. I hopped off of him and landed in a crunch between the thin layer of snow before helping Lisa down as well. Adam shook his giant head which caused snow to fall from his brown pelt along with droplets of water.

"The lights are so pretty" Lisa mused, padding her way towards the edge and peering out over the city. She had her dinosaur, named Dingo clutched to her chest as she leaned forward.

"Be careful" I warned, watching her to make sure that she wouldn't fall. Caine stepped forward until he was stood beside me and I instantly began lifting the baggage off him, placing the heavy bags onto the ground.

'I will hunt tonight, Adam can start the fire' Caine informed once all the baggage had been removed and he too could shake his heavy head to rid himself of the three days' worth of snow piled onto his coat. I nodded, bending down to get started on assembling the tent before it got too dark. Caine took a few steps back then turned and shot into the forest with tremendous speed. The earth shook beneath the force of his paws and then he was gone, leaving a peaceful silence behind in his wake.

"Typical, he leaves me in charge of the camp so that he can have all the fun" Adam grouched, stepping out from behind a tree, dressed only in a pair of loose fitted sweatpants and stretching his arms out above his head. The movement made the waistband of his sweatpants ride dangerously low on his hips, exposing some dark pubic hair and placing emphasis on his well-defined V.

"Only you would consider hunting fun" I pointed out, assembling the bars for the tent while glancing in Lisa's direction every few seconds. She was lying on her stomach, peering over the edge with curious eyes.

"It's all about the thrill-." Adam began, stalking his way towards me in a similar way a predator would stalk its prey. I watched him carefully as he began circling me.

"That feeling of empowerment-." he disappeared from my sight and I could tell he was stood behind me, getting as close as possible until I could feel his body heat radiating onto my back "The realization that you hold their life in your hands-." my entire body stiffened when his chest pressed up against my back and his hands roughly gripped my hips.

"But the thing I love the most-." my breath caught in my throat when he lowered his head to my shoulder, pushing my head to the side with his stubble coated jaw so that my neck was fully exposed to him "Is seeing that look of fear in their eyes when they realize that their looking straight into death's face" the tip of his canines just barely grazed the skin between my shoulder and neck, sending waves of tingles throughout my body and causing me to shiver beneath his touch. He had me right where he wanted me, I was his trembling prey and he was the predator.

"Adam-." I breathed, hands trembling as I clung to the poles of the tent in desperation. His hands snaked around to grab hold of my wrists as his breath tickled my skin, feeling much warmer in comparison to the cold air.

"Need some help with that, Luna?" he asked, pulling completely away from me to take the poles and started assembling them as if nothing had happened. I watched him as a faint smirk made its way onto his lips and for a moment I just stood there until he cleared his throat and motioned towards the rest of the tent. I shot him a glare then started helping him assemble the tent in silence. Once done I placed the baggage inside and laid out two sleeping bags, one for me and one for Lisa. The tent was mainly for Lisa since she couldn't shift on will but because if it better for me to stay in human form while pregnant I would share the tent with her.

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