Chapter Five.

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Rachel's P.O.V.

It was a bright, clear sunny day near the end of spring, the sun's rays were shining through the cracks in the tree tops as I stood on the stone pathway leading down to the docks by the lake. A faint breeze blew, whipping my hair out of my face as I glanced towards the end of the pathway where a figure was making its way towards me. At first it was nothing but a shadow against the bright light of the mid-afternoon sun but then it started to take shape and Tate's features took form.

His eyes met mine, cold and emotionless much like the day I'd first met him in that very spot by the docks. Then I realised that it was a memory, he was a memory and as he neared, it all slowly started to fade, the world around me went black until he reached me but didn't stop walking, his body colliding with mine and like glass his figure shattered into thousands of shards, one of which flew past me. I followed it and turned around only to find it gone and the world no longer black as Tate stood before me, crouching slightly as his breathed came in ragged pants.

I recognised the scene as the day he'd attacked Hayden and I'd stepped forward to put him in his rightful place, we were in the middle of a fight and when Tate lunged for me, his body yet again shattered into shards, cutting through me like knives through butter but instead of blood pooling out, it was light. I gasped and fell back into the darkness from the force of Tate's blow, squeezing my eyes shut but I opened them when I felt like I was flying.

I found myself on Tate's back as he ran in his wolf form, swerving through trees and leaping over boulders with my hands gripping his fur tightly. I instinctively pressed myself into his back but when I did he exploded into glass, cutting through my skin as I fell into the darkness that once again consumed the memory. My eyes closed on their own accord but snapped open to find a pale white ceiling above me, I was in a bed and soon enough Tate's figure was looming overhead.

"Morning, princess" he said smiling as he leaned down to press a kiss to my forehead before trailing his way lower on my body. I took the time to gaze around at the room, it was our room that we shared in the pack house. The bed was a queen size, covered in white sheets with sunlight pouring in from the windows.

"You look so beautiful" Tate muttered, causing me to glance back down at him as he slipped his hands under his T-shirt that I wore, ridding it up to just below my breasts so he could gaze lovingly down at my stomach.

"So beautiful" he repeated, thumb tracing over the sensitive skin as he leaned forward to place a gentle, loving kiss to my stomach and without warning my body began to crack. Skin crunching as light seeped from the cracks until it was shining through my eyes and gaping mouth. The world around me had once again faded to black, Tate was gone and soon enough my entire body was engulfed in light as the energy grew too much for me to handle, it was suffocating me. Without warning the light expended, consuming the dark with a powerful wave of white energy.

I gasped out and jerked into a sitting position on the bed, breath ragged and heart thundering in my chest as I gripped at my throat, it was just a dream. I told myself as I fought to compose my ragging pulse while glancing at the clock on the nightstand '5:15' but no sooner had I calmed down did the bile start to rise in my throat.

Shoving the sheets away, I threw my legs over the side of the bed and jumped up, rushing towards the bathroom and collapsing in front of the toilet. I didn't bother to close the door and as I emptied out my stomach there was a small knock on the bedroom door followed by Rebecca.

"Rachel? I just thought I'd stop by and drop off some clean towels-." she said but her words caught in her throat when she stepped further into the room and caught sight of my shaking form hunched over the toilet.

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