Chapter 1 - Tonk's 8th Birthday Party

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Oh Sweet Melody (A Sirius Black Love Story)

Chapter 1 – Tonk’s 8th Birthday Party

Sirius POV – Set in 1981

“Lily you have got to make him stop crying.”

“I can’t stop him Sirius not with those two little girls screaming right outside the door” Lily whispered harshly.

“Padfoot is there not something that you can do to quiet them down” asked James “I mean your cousin did leave you in charge until she came back with the cake.”

“Cake!” Peter squeaked.

“Yes Wormtail Cake” moaned Remus.

“What’s wrong?  You alright Moony?” asked James.

“You know what Prongs I think having a baby has fried your brain beyond repair.  It is the full moon this Saturday.  Two days” said Remus.


The Girls Screams form outside get louder and Harry starts to cry a lot more.

“Sirius you better go and do something about those girls or I swear to Godric I will...............”

“Uncle Sirius, Uncle Sirius, Blood, Blood.  Melody is bleeding, she’s bleeding, help her” screamed Tonk’s from somewhere in the house.

“WHAT!  Dora where are you?”  I yelled at the top of my voice.

“The kitchen, we are in the kitchen.”

“Oh God, Oh God, what am I going to find” I thought running out of the room and to the kitchen.

Melody’s POV

“I can’t believe I ran into the pointed corner of the counter Tonk’s” I cried with all of my tears running visibly down my face.

“It’s okay Melody, I have called my Uncle Sirius to come and see you” said Tonk’s.

“I know I heard you screaming for him” I whimpered.

“Tonk’s” I heard a male voice yell.

“In here Uncle Sirius” yelled Tonk’s.

And in ran Sirius Black.  He had mid length black hair with these stormy grey eyes that made him look very crazed at that moment, but apart from that he seemed and looked nice enough.

“What happened” he asked when he knelt down beside me to see my head more clearly.

“I ran into the pointed end of the counted” I squeaked.

“Okay well we better go and get you cleaned up and put a plaster on your cut” he explained “Your parents are going to come and pick you up soon”.

“Okay” I said.

Sirius POV

“Okay there we go all done.  Andromeda what do you think of my handy-work” I asked.

“Yes, yes Sirius that is very good, now Melody your mum is here, so here is your piece of birthday cake and why don’t you go and say good bye to Dora, okay” she said.

“Okay Mrs Tonk’s” and she ran out of the kitchen to find Dora.

“SIRIUS” Andromeda yelled “I told you to watch them so nothing like that would happen”.

“Well I am sorry but I got side tracked”

“That is not a good enough excuse.  You have to be more careful with children” she said still yelling.

“Okay I am sorry and I am going to leave seeing as everyone else is gone, say good bye to Dora for me and I apperated out of there and back home.

Melody’s POV

“Bye Mrs Tonk’s and bye Dora, I had a great time thank you for having me”

No problem dear we will have you again anytime”

Mrs Tonk’s and Dora both said bye together and shut the door.

“Okay honey now take my hand and hold on tight okay”.

“Yes mum” I said as I gripped her hand tightly and we apperated home.

One Week Later

I was lying in my bed nearly fast asleep when my dad came bursting into my bedroom and picking me up out of my bed and carried me through into my mum and dad’s bedroom and put me into the special hiding place that they had made for me.  I made no noise and I didn’t ask what was going on because I just thought that this was one of my mum and dad’s drills that they have every so often in case He Who Should Not Be Named Finds Us and his Death Eaters find us, but boy was I wrong.  There was an almighty crash from downstairs and I could hear people running up the stairs to my mum and dad’s room.  As soon as the pair of them walked in to the room I knew what they were.  They were Death Eaters.  I had taught to be silent when I was put into my special hiding place and that was exactly what I did.  I was silent and I watched everything unfold before my very own eyes.

“Well, well, well what do we have here? The Wards I presume” said the female whose name I would later learn to be Bellatrix Lestrange.

The male who I already knew as Fenrir Greyback a well known brutal werewolf stayed silent the entire time and continuously sniffed the air around him like he was trying to smell me out, but my hiding spot had all sorts of charms and spells a round it protecting me from the likes of him and Bellatrix.

“You both know why we are here” snarled Bellatrix “It is obvious that your precious Melody is not here so we will just have to find her another day and kill her then, but since we are here I will just kill you two right now”

Then it all happened so quickly.

My dad tried to make a break for his wand but was hit by the killing curse sent by Greyback and then my mum disarmed Greyback, but she did not pay enough attention to Bellatrix and was his with the killing curse from behind.  The entire time I had tears falling down my face and was struggling to hold back some sobs.  As they both left I saw them put a death mark up above my house alerting any wizards around that there had been a murder.  By the time the auror’s got there I was already out of my hiding spot and no longer bothering to hide my tears and I just let them fall freely.  The auror’s when they arrived they dragged me away kicking and screaming and left me to be locked after by a member of the Order of the Phoenix.  The one and only Alastor “Mad-eye” Moody and I stayed with him as long as I can remember.

Okay folks this is the first chapter of my first fan fiction and I will upload the second chapter soon so just bear with me.  P.S sorry for any spelling mistakes.   

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