Chapter 5 - Meeting Kreacher

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Chapter 5 – Meeting Kreacher

Sirius’s POV

It was dusk by the time I got enough courage to go up to the room that Melody was staying in, but when I reached the top of the stairs I saw something that I was not expecting to see.  Melody with a broom in hand, looking really pissed off and in a standoff with none other than Kreacher.

Melody’s POV

I was in my room, lying on my bed, I had just finished packing my things away and putting them in the right places in the room when I heard a crack echo throughout the room signalling the arrival of one of my house elves, either Azelf or Trixie, but boy was I ever wrong.

“Mudblood’s and Blood Traitors, disgracing the Royal House of Black, if my Mistress was here”

“What the?” I exclaimed out loud as I sat up extremely quickly and what I saw was the most ugly house elf that I had ever seen and it was holding my wand in its hand.

“Blood Traitors are not welcome in the Royal House of Black” it grumbled as it fixed me with a cold hard stare that sent shivers running down my spine, but that all quickly went away when I assessed the situation and my anger took over.

“I don’t care if Blood Traitors are not welcome here now give me back my wand or else” I hissed at it.

“Filthy Blood Traitor, friend of Mudblood’s”

“THATS IT I TOLD YOU TO GIVE ME MY WAND AND I HAVE NOW LOST MY PATIENCE WITH YOU HOUSE ELF” I yelled as I grabbed a broom that was laying next to my bed and I ran at the thing, but it must have seen me go for the broom because the next thing I know I am out on the landing outside of my bedroom with the house elf cornered and with the broom raised above my head ready to strike him to get my precious wand back and out of his clutches.

“WHAT IN GODRICS NAME IS GOING ON HERE” I heard someone yell from behind me.  I slowly turn my head trying not to take at least one of my eyes of the house elf and I see none other than Sirius Black

“Oh great” I thought “just what I need at this moment in time”

“What do you mean what is going on that thing has my wand and I need to get it back” I tell him with venom.

“Well I’ll get it back for you then” he replies to me with the same amount of venom in his own voice.

“Fine” I say harshly stepping aside to let him through “be my guest”


“So Kreacher is his name” I think “what a weird name even for a house elf if I do say myself”

“Of course Master Kreacher lives to serve the Noble House of Black” he say’s rather sarcastically I might add and walks over to me and hands my wand rather gently considering what I was about to do to him.

“Thank you very much Kreacher” I say politely “ I am sorry for the way that I treated you earlier, it’s just this wand means a lot to me that’s all”.  After I say that I swear Kreacher looks like he is about to burst into tears, but that expression quickly disappears off his face and he disappears with a nod of his head towards me and a glare directed towards Sirius.

“Why were you so polite towards him, he stole your wand after all” I hear Sirius say sounding rather confused.

I whip my had round to face him with a cold glare fixed on my face and tell him “Well not everyone is like you Sirius and is mean and rude towards house elves and treats them like slaves.  I however like to treat my house elves as equals and like they are part of the family” and with that I turned on my heel, walked back to my room and slammed the door on his extremely confused expression and flopped down on my bed.   

Sirius’s POV

All I could think when she slammed the door on my face was “I am really starting to regret letting her stay here with me now”.

Okay people I am thinking about starting to right another fan fiction story that is based on Harry Potter, but I don’t know who to centre it around I have loads of great ideas for each character, but I don’t know which one to choose so can you please choose from the list below and write your answer as a comment please.  Okay here is the list to choose from.

Draco Malfoy

Fred Weasley

George Weasley

Remus Lupin

Sirius black

Scorpius Malfoy

Teddy Lupin

So Please choose your preferred character and comment.

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