Chapter 2 - Warnings Uncle Alastor Warnings

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Chapter 2 – Warnings Uncle Alastor Warnings

Melody’s POV – Set in 1995 (Order of the Phoenix)


“Ahhh Tonk’s not so loud ok.  It is 8am in the morning and no one should be as cheery and bright as you are” I moaned.

“Well it is not my fault that I am a morning person and you’re not” said Tonk’s.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever Tonk’s.  Any way I am on my way to my office to catch up on some paper work so of you scoot so I can be on my way.  Ok”

“Yeah, but I have to tell you something really import........” but she was cut off by me who was already half way to my office saying:

“Yeah sure thing Nymphadora”

“DON’T CALL ME NYMPHADORA!!!!!!” I heard her screech but by that time I was already shutting the door of my office.  I slowly leaned back against my office door and let out a long sigh.  “Sometimes I wonder why I put up with her” I thought to myself.  I stood up properly and walked over to my desk and sat down in my seat behind it.  The first thing that caught my eye when I looked down on my desk was the most colourful thing in the room.  It was a picture of me and Tonk’s at her eight birthday party and it was also the last time that I could truly remember myself really laughing and smiling without worrying about everyone else around me.  Ever since Voldemort had been brought back I had become a bit paranoid and I could tell that everyone was worrying about me, even my Uncle Alastor who hardly ever showed any emotion on his face.

You see the reason that everyone worries about me is because Voldemort does not want me dead.  He wants me to join him.  The night that Greyback and Lestrange came to my house when I was eight was not to kill me but to recruit me to Voldemort forces.  You see even when I was younger and before I even got my wand I already showed great skill in controlling magic. I could do wandless magic extremely easily already before I went to Hogwarts in 1984 and wordless magic came to me with ease.  By the time I was in my second year I could already conjure up a non-corporeal and a corporeal Patronus which took the form of an African Hunting Dog, which also happens to be my animagus form.  But all that together is not the reason the Voldemort wants me to be on his side, no it is because I am an elementalist and I control the earth element and this particular element is not only the hardest to control because of its temperamental side but also because it is the rarest of all of the four elements and I am the only witch that is known in the wizarding world that controls the earth element and that makes me extremely sought over by everyone.

When I looked straight down in front of me and saw what had been placed on my desk I felt myself tense up and I could feel my blood beginning to boil.  In front of me were the most recent sightings of Bellatrix Lestrange.  Even though I was only 22 years of age I was in a extremely high position in the Auror Department and this was partly because of my skills and gifts and also partly because after my parents were murdered I was sent to one of the greatest auror’s of all time Alastor Moody to be raised.  It is also because of this that I was given the position of head auror in the search for Bellatrix Lestrange.


I was busy filling out paper work at my desk when Bill Weasley one of my best friends came in to my office to deliver a message to me.

“Hey Melody sorry to bother you but I just thought I should warn you that Mad-eye is on his way up to your office and he has a look on his face saying that he is a man on a mission” said Bill so quickly that I had trouble keeping up with him.

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