Chapter 4 - The First Day of My Own Personal Hell

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Chapter 4 – The First Day of My Own Personal Hell

Melody’s POV

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining unwell comely in my face, temporarily blinding me.  It took me only a few seconds for me to get my sight back and to realise where I was and I have to tell you I still was not happy about this new living arrangement.  I was furious at Uncle Alastor for doing this to me. 

When I finally got over my little mental temper tantrum, I sat up with a sigh and looked for Trixie, but all I found was Azelf’s and her bed’s empty.  With another sigh I got up out of bed, padded over to my closet containing all of my cloths and prepared myself to be ready for my first day of hell with Sirius Black.

When I finally arose from my room and gout down to the kitchen, I found Azelf and Trixie, cooking and cleaning and Sirius just staring off into space.  I cleared my throat to let my two houses elves that I was ready for my normal breakfast, but sadly as well as getting their attention I also got Sirius’s attention to.

“Well, well, well it’s finally arisen” he joked but I was not in the joking mood.

“Okay, just stop talking and listen” I said rather harshly “As long as I have to stay here against my will I am just going to ignore you, I am going to have nothing to do with you and you are going to have nothing to do with me got it”

“Yes” he replied without any emotion.

“Good” I replied “Trixie, Azelf I am going to have my breakfast in my room as I still have some things to sort and put away, so could one of you’s please bring it up to my room when it is ready”.

“Yes Mistress Melody” they replied in unison.

“Thank you” then I turned and left two hardworking house elves and a flabbergasted Sirius behind me in the kitchen and made my way back up to my room.

Sirius’s POV

I could not believe what had just happened.  I had woke up this morning thinking that everything would be fine and she just went and blew that all out of the water.  It is obvious that she does not like me but I cannot seem to understand why, I have never done anything to harm her in fact I have done the exact opposite.  I need to find out why she is acting like this toward me.

Melody’s POV

I don’t understand how Uncle Alastor thought I would happily live here with Sirius Black.  I mean he is related to that foul creature.  He may not be its brother but he is still related to it and that is enough to make my hate him because that thing that he is connected too killed my mother and the two of them share the same blood, so they have to be alike.  Don’t they?  I don’t know, but what I do know is that I do not trust Sirius Black and that I defiantly with all of my heart hate Bellatrix Lestrange and that the next day that I see her face to face with be the last day of her life because I Melody Anna-Marie Ward am going to make sure that I am the one that ends her life.

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