Chapter 6 - When We First Met Again and Finding Out

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The girl in the picture is Melody

Chapter 6 – When First Met Again and Finding Out

Melody’s POV

After the incident the days began to turn into weeks.  Trixie, Azelf, my two cats Atessa (an Aegean Cat) and Midas (an Arabian Mau) and myself had all settled in now to our new home.  Kreacher did not come into my room anymore and left me in piece but if I did need something and Trixie and Azelf were not around then he would happily get it for me although he does nearly burst into tears whenever I am nice or say thank you to him.  We hardly ever get any visitors here.  The only people we get coming here are my Uncle Alastor to make sure I have not escaped, Tonks to just keep me company and talk about random things and to bring me updates on the Lestrange case, Bill to give me updates on the Greyback case and Remus just to talk.

After all of my time here something else has become better to.  My relationship with Sirius has gotten better.  I trust him a lot more that I did before, but I still don’t trust him enough to tell him about what happened to my parents.

 It was late afternoon, nearly dusk.  Trixie and Azelf were cleaning the kitchen and I was sitting in the living room with Atessa and Midas on my lap when Sirius came in the room, I could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to talk to me.

“Melody what happened to you?” asked Sirius.

“I don’t know what you mean”

“You know perfectly well as to what I mean.  I want to know what happened to that bubbly girl whose head I had to stitch up and now has a small scar because of it.  I want to know what happened to the young women who once came to Azkaban that one time and talked to me and gave me that delicious chocolate.  What happened to her Melody, what happened to her?” he ranted

All the while I could feel my blood beginning to boil,  I was not just angry but in a rage.  I had a quick glance at all the plants in the room and saw that they have grown to.

“You want to know what happened to her Sirius well I’ll tell you.  Bellatrix Lestrange escaped from Azkaban that’s what happened” I yelled at him.

“What has my deranged cousin got to do with this” he questioned.

“She has got everything to do with this because she is one of the death eaters that killed my parent right in front of me when I was just eight years old that’s why” and with that I stormed out of the room and back up to my room and left Sirius with his mouth hanged open.

Sirius’s POV

I stood there with my mouth hanging open.  I just could not believe what she had just screamed at me; also I could not believe how tall the plants in the room had gotten.

“Well at least I know part of her story now” I thought while at the same time thinking back to the day that Melody came to Azkaban for the first and last time that I was in there.

Flashback – 1992 someday

My cell was cold, so, so cold.  I could hear the waves of the of the furious ocean crash against the walls of Azkaban.  I sat in the corner of my cell amusing myself with only my thoughts.  The dementors on my levels went back and forth between all of the cells containing the most dangerous of all criminals.  All I could think was “I shouldn’t be here.  I’m innocent” but no one would listen anymore.  They had grown tired of me.  

Suddenly all of the Dementors on my floor went flying past my cell door and that peaked my curiosity.  I slowly got up and went over to my cell door with as little noise as possible so as not to draw attention to myself.  I looked out to where all of the Dementors were gathering and then I understood why.  It was new prisoners being delivered.

The door to the outside world open in came seven new prisoners accompanied by four Auror’s.  Three men and one girl.  The girl separated from the group and dragged one of the prisoners over to the old lift and shoved him in and then the lift was moving.  It was getting closer and closer and then it stopped.  It stopped on my floor, which meant that this wizard was most likely a death eater seeing as this floor was full of them.

She shoved him out of the lift and into the waiting arms of the dementors that were waiting for him.  They grabbed him and dragged him along past my cell, they threw him into one further along from mine and the dementors that were with him followed him in and shut the door behind him.

I was too busy watching the new prisoner to realise that the girl that was with him had stopped in front of my door and was looking directly at me.  I turned around and met her eyes.  She looked familiar but I couldn’t quite place her.  She had dark chocolate brown her with matching brown eyes that looked as though they saw everything.  Neither of us said a thing we just looked at each other, neither of us making the first move.

Her eyes flicker away from mine and down to a pocket on her trousers.  She slowly slid her hand in and brought something flat back out.  She opened it up.  It was chocolate.  I never took my eyes off the chocolate.  The girl broke a line of the chocolate and put the line between her teeth to hold it,  She carefully folded the rest of the chocolate back up and then she done something that I did not expect her to done.  I expected her to put the rest of it back in her pocket but instead she held it out for me to take.  I froze I had no idea of what to do.

“Go ahead then take it.  It’s the least I could do seeing as I never got to thank you properly” she said.

I shock my head coming out of my daze and said “What do you mean thank me I don’t even know who the hell you are”

“I thought you wouldn’t remember me but maybe I can refresh your memory” she said

I just looked at her and nodded my head telling her to continue.

“Okay well here goes nothing” she said “Do remember going to your 2nd cousins Nymphadora Tonk’s 8th birthday party and having to patch up an eight year old girls head because she fell into the sharp corner of a kitchen work top.”

Yet again I just nodded my head as a yes

“Well I am that girl all grown up so take the dam chocolate bar as a thank you” she said.

“So you’re that girl” I said unsure as I reached out to take the chocolate.

“Yes I am” She said with a slight smile showing on her face.

I was about to ask her name when I heard someone yell “WARD IT’S TIME TO LEAVE”

“I’M COMEING RIGHT NOW KINGSLEY” she yelled right back and she turn and ran away toward the lift but before she got in she turned around and gave me a real smile, got in the lift and she left.  The last saw of her was when she left through the door to the outside.

As soon as she was gone I went back to my corner and ate the chocolate with as little noise as possible.


As soon as the flashback finish I headed up stairs to go to bed but first I stopped outside Melody’s door listening to see I could hear anything, but I heard nothing so I went to my room and shut the door and fell asleep

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