Melody's Profile

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Sorry should have put this at the very start of the story before the first chapter.

Melody’s Profile

Full Name – Melody Anna-Marie Ward.

Born – 2nd October 1973.

Family – Mother, Kelly Ward, deceased, murdered by Bellatrix Lestrange.  Father, Eric Ward, deceased, murdered by Fenrir Greyback.  No Siblings.  Brought up by Alastor Moody (Mad-Eye).

Looks – Has dark brown layered hair with her fringe going off to the right had side and she has dark chocolate like brown eyes.

Hogwarts House – Hufflepuff

Best Friend – Nymphadora Tonks

Wand – Fir, Thestral Tail Hair, 12 ½ inches, slightly springy.  Contains some of her blood in the core so it will only answer to commands made by her, it is stained black with a shiny coat and it has the musical notes from the song that her parents used to sing to her at night to make her go to sleep carved into it in gold.  

Job – An Auror within the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic

Other Qualities – Is an Elementalist in the element of Earth (the rarest element to control).  Is an animagus, her animagus form is an African Hunting Dog (she’s legal). Can do wordless and wandless magic.  She is also very skilled at Legilimency and Occlumency  

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