Chapter 3 - Your Life is Over

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Chapter 3 – Your Life is Over

Melody’s POV

“Please Uncle Alastor don’t make me stay here with him” I whined.

“Melody where is all this whining coming from.  I did not raise your to act like this, so stop it.  I am not stopping you from continuing your investigation on Bellatrix Lestrange’s where about.  I am doing this for your own safety.  Tonk’s and Weasley will continue to give you continuous updates” and with that he disapperated and left me and Sirius alone in 12 Grimmauld Place.

“Ok well I guess I’d better show you to your room” said Sirius rather cheerily I might add.

“Yes I guess you should” I said my voice cold and laced with venom and with that Sirius’s grin was wiped of his face and he turned around and slowly trudged up the stairs.  By this time I think he had grasped that I was not going to be the fun house mate that he assumed that I would be.

It took us around five minutes to reach the room that I would be staying in.  The room had yellow and beige walls with a large walk in closet, a vanity mirror, a king sized bed with matching covers and all of my things including my two owls Athena my Barn Owl and Aphrodite my Snowy Owl.  My four cats, Eclipse my Bengal Cat, Ariel my Egyptian Mau and Samurai (black) and Sabrina (White with apricot coloured nose) my two Siamese Cats.  Also in the room were my two house elves Trixie and Azelf sorting their stuff away into their corner of the room.

“Right I guess I will leave you to unpack” said Sirius from somewhere behind me and then I heard the door shut quietly and then I was in my own world.


As soon as I closed the door I felt the shock that a felt starting to take over my body.  My mind could not comprehend the fact that, that young woman behind that closed door was the same little girl whose head that I helped patch up when she was eight.  I mean she is so different, I mean there are the oblivious differences like her height and the fact that she now has breast’s, but then there were the difference’s to her personality.  She was no longer the fun, bubbly, 8 year old girl that I once knew.  She had enclosed her feelings, no allowing them to come out and show themselves.  I don’t know the entire details of what happened on the dreadful night that her parents were killed, Mad-eye had claimed that Melody herself would tell me when she was ready, but somehow I don’t see that happening so I will just have to find out for myself.

It was a full hour later until Moony finally showed his face and it was then that my interrogation on him began.  “Ok Moony I need to know what happened the night that Melody’s parents were killed” I told him.

“I don’t think it is really my place to say.  Maybe you should wait for Mel.....”.

“Don’t tell me to wait for Melody’s to tell me Remus.  She has locked all her feelings inside.  She is going to tell me nothing so please tell me” I pleaded.       

“No Padfoot.  If you want to find out so badly then get to know her and become her friend so she can trust you because I am going to tell you know because I am guessing that Moody forgot to tell you this, but Melody has serious (no pun intended) trust issues.  And with that last parting piece of information he disapperated out of 12 Grimmauld Place.

I let out a long sigh and stood up and made my way back up to the guest room that Melody was staying in.


I had just finished packing and was lying down on my bed with my eyed closed when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and my door opening.  I knew immediately that it was Sirius because I had already heard Remus disapperate and also I had sneaked a peek at him when his back was turned to me.  He must have thought i was asleep because the next thing I knew I was being lifted up and placed under the bed sheets of my bed and the curtains in the room were being drawn, so the room was in complete darkness.  I then heard Sirius as quietly as possible slipped out of my room without trying to supposedly wake me up and shut the door quietly behind him.  As soon as i heard him going down the stairs i let out along sigh and said to myself “Melody my dear your life is over”.


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