Chapter 8 - What just Happened?

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Chapter 8 – What Just Happened?

Melody’s POV

It has been days since I last spoke to Sirius since my outburst, but I just can’t help it.  I prefer to keep myself closed off from others it was what Uncle Alastor brought me up to do.  I only tell a handful of trusted people my feelings and secrets and those people include Uncle Alastor, Dora, Bill and of course Professor Dumbledore.  You can’t hide anything from that man and trust me I’ve tried.  He always finds things out eventually.

Anyway, I just can’t understand why Sirius won’t just stay out of my business.  After all I stay out of his.  I don’t ask him questions about how Azkaban was to live there and what the Dementors were like, even though I already know the answer to the second question.  Ugh why can’t he just leave me alone?

I woke up to here voices down stairs.  Not one but two.  I looked around my room and saw that Trixie and Azelf weren’t there so I came to the conclusion that they were probably downstairs cleaning, so I left that thought alone.

I crept out of my bed and slowly made my way over to the door being carful as to not step onto any of the creaky floor boards and let whoever it was know that I was awake.  I slowly turned the handle on the door, slid out and made my way carefully down the stairs so as to not step on any creaky floor boards like the ones in my room.  I got down the stairs successfully and made my way to the doorway where the voices were spilling out from and when I got there I saw my Uncle Alastor and Sirius talking but most importantly I heard “Wow I never knew about her parents, that’s just terrible.”

Anger immediately began to tremble throughout my body in a sea of rage.  I knew that I shouldn’t be seen or heard, but I couldn’t stop myself from yelling “YOU TOLD HIM!!!!!!!!”

They both immediately turned around and saw me, but before either of them could say anything I was running the stairs not caring about which steps I stood on as I made my way to my room.  I slammed the door, so hard that I’m surprised it never came of the hinges with the amount of force that I put behind it.  I threw myself onto my bed only then realising that I was crying, but I didn’t care I just wanted to let everything out.

I was let down by a person who I saw as someone who I could trust but I guess I was wrong.  At some point Trixie and Azelf came into try and cheer me up and to get me to stop crying but nothing would work.  The floods kept on coming.

I eventually heard a knock on the door and I immediately knew that it was Sirius, so I screamed at the door “GO AWAY I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO ANYONE, SO GO AWAY”.  I went like that for a good five minutes, but even that didn’t seem to put him off seeing as he just entered my room and said;

“Melody I’m sorry”

“I’m sorry” I thought.  That’s all he had to say after he went behind my back and dug up my most treasured secret of all.

“That’s all you have to say” I said my voice filled with as much venom as I could muster.

“Well I am sorry” he said “I don’t know what else to say Melody, but if you didn’t keep yourself so closed off from other’s them I wouldn’t have to take such drastic measures to find out things about your past”

“You expect me to tell my secrets to a man who broke out of Azkaban.  I don’t care if you’re innocent.  You still spent twelve of your years in that place and that makes you untrustworthy and possibly dangerous in my books. Okay” I said and by this time Sirius had already taken a seat next to me on my bed, so I was now saying this straight to his face.

“I’m innocent” he yelled at me.  “I was falsely accused of a crime that I did not commit and I don’t expect you to trust me straight away, but some information about you would be great to know so we could get along a lot better because we are going to be living here together for quite a while so you are going to have to get used to it. Okay!”

“Don’t yell at me!” I screeched unaware of how close our faces were to each other.  “Like I said before I don’t care if you’re innocent you have still done the time, so to me you’re........”

I never got to finish want I was going to say because the next thing I knew our lips had connected and were moving as one.  I didn’t fight him.  I kind of enjoyed it.  My hands knitted themselves into his hair, weaving an intricate pattern while his hands cupped my face leaving my nowhere to go.  His lips were soft on mine, but unyielding and slightly forceful, but I liked it.  It was the closest I had been to anyone in months and I was enjoying every minute of it.  Eventually we pulled back to get some air and we just looked at each other and then simultaneously realisation seemed to dawn in each of our eyes as to what had just happened.  I scooted to the very end of the bed and Sirius ran straight out of the room slamming the door behind him.  I lifted my hand to my lips and felt them.  They were slightly swollen from the kissing and I could help but wonder back to how his lips felt moving against mine, but the entire time there was one thought racing through my head.

“What just happened?”

Sirius’s POV

I raced out of the room as fast as I could and slammed the door behind me and I slid down one of the many walls in this hell hole.  I couldn’t help but think back to the kiss and as I did that I could almost imagine Melody’s sweet lips still moving against mine.  One thought jumped into my head at the exact same time interrupting my thoughts on Melody’s lips.

“What just happened?”


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2012 ⏰

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