05: Innocent Rebels

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"I've been reckless, but I'm not a rebel without a cause" - Angelina Jolie


I was unconscious when she came in, Maman. Mom nudged my shoulder, hard.

"Isla, Isla! School starts in like twenty minutes. It's your first day being a Junior in high school and you better not be late," I looked at her, surprised. It took me a second to realize I wasn't in my bed but Grayson's, I had spent the whole night there.

"I- I didn't know!" I hurried to my room, slammed the door shut and opened my closet with a rush. A black shirt ripped jeans, and white Vans was the first thing I grabbed. Necklace with a white pendant from the drawer, and to the bathroom, I dashed. I was about to slip three times while dressing, stressed as hell.

I scurried down the stairs to the kitchen with my hands in my hair, putting it up. No time for a proper breakfast today, a granola bar would have to do.

"Bye Maman, I'm leaving!" I shouted from the kitchen, backpack in hand and granola in the other. I reached for a ten dollar bill on the counter and hurried out the door, I would have to buy lunch from the cafeteria today. I didn't get to hear Maman's response as I was already outside running. At the end of the street walked Nick, I sprinted over to his side.

"Hey, Nick! Wait up!" He slowed down and whirled around to see me. I caught up with him and walked by his side

"Hey, Isles. Thought you were going to be late, I wasn't going to let you drag me along on the first day back," he chuckled. We waited at the crosswalk, it was red. I smirked at him, took his hand and controllably flung him with me.

"Well, I don't want to be late either," I breathed and ran, his wrist in my hand. We were halfway through the road when I heard two vehicles horn loudly, I didn't stop.

"Isles, what are you doing?" We ran across to the other side of the crosswalk, Nick had no time to think. I stopped with a grin.

"Isla! You could have killed us! Did you even check for cars? They're there for a reason, you know," Nick hissed at me, people looked at us. I thought he would've liked the rush, the recklessness. He stared at me, fuming. He was acting like an overprotective big brother, he was an overprotective big brother.

Why does he care so much?

"God, Nick! I thought it would be fine. You said you didn't want to be late, the waiting was too long!" I whisper-screamed at him, I ran away from him not looking back. I was going to arrive at school on time, whether he came with me or not.

"Oh my God, Madison! How are you?" I saw her at the end of the hall unlocking her locker, and I freaked. Madison was my best friend since Year 8, she was like the sister I never had. Every summer was a slight torture for us being apart. I ran over to her and we hugged the life of each other, I had missed her more than I could describe.

"Isles! I'm good, I missed you so much! How was California, how did summer treat you?" she shrieked, the excitement spilling out of her.

"San Francisco was good... Therapy three times a week now, though." I pouted at her and she looked confused. I was pretty sure Madison was the only one in school who knew I went to therapy, the rest just thought I was crazy.

"What, why? I thought it was two times a week," Madison whispered to me not wanting others to overhear.

"I know. When we were in Frisco, I remembered him again. Maman called it another 'breakdown'," she stared at me for a moment then came in for an unexpected hug. When we broke the hug it looked like she was going to cry, Madison was always so sensitive.

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