08: Dragging Hours

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*Very short chapter*


We would both miss the second day of school, so much for excellent attendance. I hadn't told Madison anything about this, I never had the time to. This whole plan was all last minute. She would probably be clueless as to where I was today, ignorant of me being in Marseille. If I had remembered to tell her I would have. I told Madison everything, trusted my best friend more than anyone.

Nick, on the contrary, had invited himself to come along. Forcing me to agree on his behalf, having had no other choice. If I had refused to let him follow me around, he would have snitched to our parents. We were all running in circles, and I could stop that. I could reveal the truth to everybody, declaring my insanity not so insane, after all. To everybody's sheer bewilderment.

As soon as we stepped inside the train station, we were met with refreshing cool air. Not many people were around, despite the fact that this was the closest train station to the Eiffel Tower. The roof was made of glass, the large area bordered by unusual gray brick walls. I had never been here before today, everything on this trip was going to be some kind of 'new' to me. Used to busses, I wasn't quite familiar with trains. I walked to the closest empty counter, Nick following behind me, where there stood a young french man with a mustache.

"Mademoiselle, votre billet s'il vous plaît," the man asked for my pass, I reached for my pocket and handed him the two train tickets.

"Merci, bon voyage," the man smiled to us and took the tickets away from me. I thanked him and walked away. Nick and I followed signs to find the right railing, then sat on a bench and waited. I pulled out a map of France that I had found on a random stand in the building, skimming through our route. We'd pass through Geneva, Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble and Montpellier. When we would arrive in Marseille, Monaco would be eight hours away from there. Monaco five hours away from Venice, Italy. Venice four hours from Graz, Austria. This two-night trip could turn into a week's journey of beautiful experiences.

Unexpectedly, a strange feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. Adventure. I could run away, just like Grayson had. Suddenly it made sense to me, why my brother would leave us to hide. He wanted to get away from everything, to escape everyone and their discrimination, judgment, and pity that followed. But I knew he wouldn't do that, Grayson would never just leave. He would never just leave me, without telling me or saying goodbye. I knew he was somehow forced to leave, he wouldn't have the heart to leave us. He couldn't.

My little imagination bubble was burst by Nick, who shook my shoulder.

"Isla, the train. Come on," he waved his hands over my eyes, breaking my unconscious gaze. I stood up and followed him inside the nearly vacant train. With the exception of a few adults spread across the vehicle, hiding in some corners. We took our seats in a section of four reclining seats, a table in the middle. Sitting across from me, Nick reserved the seat beside him with his backpack, copying me. I reached for my book and put laid it on the table. Looking at the wide glass I exhaled the sunrise. We traveled through the forest, the sun a shadow behind the silhouette of trees.

Six hours on a train with Nick...

I wonder how it's going to go.

I wonder how it's going to go

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Hey lovelies, 

Since I didn't want to mess up the order of my chapters and so on, there was a veryy short chapter! Hopefully, It'll make you want to read on:)) Any thoughts? Please, don't forget to vote, comment, and share! It would honestly make my day♡ 

Until the next chapter, 


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