13: No Walls Between Us

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"I'll gladly let my guard down when people stop giving me reasons to keep it up." - Unknown


"Well, Sabrina. We're looking for this guy," I showed her an old picture of Grayson, on my phone. A face expression crossed her face, it was gone within a blink. Too quick for me to had have grasped. I felt like a detective, brave on the outside horrified on the inside. Nick was right, it felt like an episode from Pink Panther.

"No, I've never seen him, what are you, teenage-police undercover?" The fright had vanished, replaced with attitude. As soon as she saw the picture Sabrina was sure of something, I don't know of what.

That she hasn't seen him?

"Could you please look closer, I really need to find him," I ignored her real question, who was she to make fun of me? She came closer, focusing on Grayson's face.

"He's your brother, isn't he?" She backed away, suspiciously eyeing me and Nick.


"Well, he looks like you. You have the same eyes and hair color," she smiled. "You're looking for your brother, right?" I should have guessed that. Of course. People always mistook us for twins, even though I was a year older. Grayson was as tall as me, maybe even taller.

"Yeah. It's her brother," Nick behind me said, flashing a hopeless look at me. Isla, she hasn't seen him. After all the hope that I held inside me, all the faith. It was a dead end. With an exhale, I expelled the confidence in me. Giving up.

"Well, uh thanks?" I turned around and walked away, dragging Nick with me.

"Sorry," Sabrina mumbled, I was already out the garage. A futile clue, dead end. Why was this the address? Why would he have kept an address six hours away, who would he have met here? A hollow block, nearly abandoned. There was nothing to do here. Disappointment invaded my mind, automatically attaining a frown on my face. I was never going to reach a point I hadn't already been, anywhere beyond a frustrating deadlocked corner was far-off.

I would just have to look harder, think harder, and act faster. When I had the opportunity, seize it was all I needed to do. Act on the moment, I had acted on this but it was simply too late. Realization swept over me like waves, therapy would wistfully have to continue. My legs forcefully dragged me into a lazy slump

"Hey, hey," Nick confusedly kneeled beside me, "what's wrong?" I kept my head down, not giving a care in the world.

"What do you mean, what's wrong? I failed, I won't find him! That's what's wrong!" I cried. "It's been such a freaking long time since I've seen him. I'm thrown into hospitals every week and take medicines that make me sick to my stomach. I feel like garbage being thrown around, no-one ever caring. Not even Maman, she's the worst of all. He's not dead, for God's sake! Just because I can't prove it doesn't mean it isn't true," I broke down.

 Something in me clicked, and there went everything in my mind. Maybe a little to much. I slapped my hand on the concrete, over and over again. "I feel trapped, Nick. God, I feel trapped," ugly tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't hesitate to wipe them away with my warm hands, shame unconsciously invading my senses. 

He looked perplexed, as if he hadn't experienced the previous conversation. As if he had randomly woken up from a dream where singing unicorns under sparkling rainbows were included, waking up to see my unsightly state. The feeling of accepted failure was a dreadful feeling, displaying it in front of Nick was even worse. Pulling my act together, I stood up, wiped my hands on my jeans and walked away.

"Where're you going?" Nick asked from behind me, his voice was unusually raspy.

"To anywhere but here."


Hours after we had found the address, realizing it was useless, Nick and I took another train home. What ifs had overthrown my thinking, attaining an uncontrollable seat in my mind. What if Sabrina had seen Grayson? What if I had randomly walked into him on that street? What if I had seen him behind a window? All these questions kept hanging. With the many what ifs, came the what would have I done if that had happened questions. With one deep frustrating exhale I let it all leave pacifically. 

The questions was not what if  but what happened, and to say nonetheless, what happened wasn't exactly unexpected. I knew that I was dragging myself out of my comfort zone, fully aware of the consequences that could have been. The consequences that did occur.

My hands travelled to the digital clock on the train, my gaze rolling back to the smudged window.

"One hour left," I muttered. 


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So yeah, things are getting pretty hell-ly lately for Isla. I hope she can cope with it:( I appreciate every one of you who continues to read this! Don't forget to comment, vote & share.

And also one last thing... I have some exciting news! Me and @dylanissobae have decided to write a book together, here on Wattpad, as soon as we finish the ones we're currently writing! We haven't decided on the topic yet or anything, but please do tell us if you'd like the idea. 

Remember to go follow her and support her book 'Our New Beginning' and tell her I sent you!

Until next time, 


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