morning glory

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  "Under the flower petals raining down
I run, so lost in this maze"
[forever young - BTS]  

  (morning glory: love in vain) 

The dorm is quiet. Taehyung and Hoseok are out to meet their respective families. Jimin and Jungkook are out playing somewhere and Namjoon and Seokjin are busy preparing for Show Champion. They are the MCs for the week. And, he, Min Yoongi is lying on his bed refusing to come out of his blanket and see the morning light. He could sleep in. He has the whole dorm to himself. The kids wouldn't be returning anytime soon. He snuggled into the warm blanket. Hmmm.

When he wakes up next, it is because there is a ruckus outside and Yoongi wants to nothing more than shut them up. Whoever it is. Who the fuck is it anyway? The dorm should have been empty. He throws off the blanket cursing when he hears pots banging and something else falling again. The sound is pretty loud for his sensitive ears. He drags himself out, not bothering to pull on his sweats. They are used to the lack of clothes on his person. It is a struggle even to walk those few yards between his room and the kitchen. He hopes it is not Namjoon again, but, nothing else would explain the tornado hitting the kitchen. His right foot bumps on a glass after it comes rolling on the carpet. What the fuck? What is Namjoon doing? He is going to ban the clumsy leader from entering their kitchen. He doesn't get why Seokjin makes him his assistant and gives him all these.. hopes of being a good cook someday.

He is opening his mouth to let out a string of curses at the fellow rapper but, they get stuck in his throat. It is not the tall man he was expecting. It is the taller-than-him dongsaeng Taehyung's back greeting him. He is hunched over the kitchen counter.


The younger man swivels on his heels, standing erect and gives him his usual bright grin. "Hey, hyung."

Yoongi shuts his mouth, frowns and reopens it. "Whatareyoudoinere?"

Taehyungs cocks his head. "Hyung?"

"Where is Namjoon?"

"Joonie hyung? He and Seokjin hyung went out for - for that show." Taehyung bends and pulls the drawer open and takes out a knife. "How was your sleep? I hope you weren't too disturbed by the noise." He gives Yoongi a sheepish smile who is still confused.

"So.. It was you in the kitchen?"

"Yea. Sorry. I was a little distracted." Yoongi's frown deepens. He suddenly sighs and rubs his eyes with the back of his left hand. "Do you wish to freshen up before dinner? I'll set up the table till then."

"Huh?" His mind is still groggy from sleep. "What's the time?"

"It's 8: 30 pm." That bright smile is back on his face.



Yoongi is still standing there bare feet, bare legs, bare-chested feeling very awkward and out of place. He watches as Taehyung works silently in the kitchen. Soon he is taking the cutlery out to the low-leveled table placed in the adjoining room. His arms are dangling beside him just because. He shakes his head and joins the taller man in setting up the table. "I got this. You can freshen up. Am not sure it'll taste nice once it gets cold."

"You cooked dinner for us?"

"I cooked it just for the two of us. Namjoon and Jin hyung will have dinner outside. The rest of them are not coming tonight."

"Even Jiminnie and Jungkook?"

"Yea. They were here for lunch. They went out for a late night show."

"Okay. What are you doing here, though? Weren't you supposed to come on Friday?"

Taehyung walks back to the kitchen and comes back out with a bowl in each hand. The food has a decent aroma. "Didn't feel like staying there for long."

"But, you might not get a chance -"

"It's okay, hyung. I'll meet them next week." He knocks off the glass again which Yoongi had picked up who just raises an eyebrow and lets it be. It is the singer's decision whether he wants to spend time with his family or, not. He is no one to comment.

"I'll come in ten minutes."

The rapper goes into his room to collect his clothes and is walking towards the bathroom when he catches Taehyung scrubbing his face with his hands. He looks tired and pasty. He finds something really odd in it. He takes fifteen minutes for bathing. It takes him another five minutes to put on a comfortable lowers and a worn out black tee, comb his hair and make his bed before he joins the singer at their small table who was already half way through his food. "Sorry. Too hungry." What's new. He is slurping on the broth noisily. The silver-hair idol digs into his food after rolling his eyes.

Something is weird. Something is different. He is not able to recall the last time he had been able to share a meal so comfortably with Taehyung.

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