acacia blossom

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We're all fools, idiots
In hopes of a chance, we hold onto a love that's ended already
I don't still have feelings
I know that I can't go on too
But sometimes like I can't digest why

Let Me Know -BTS

(acacia blossom - concealed love)  

Yoongi wakes up in the morning, frowning, trying to recall what it was that he was dreaming about when he remembers Taehyung sleeping on the terrace and shoots up from the bed, about to run in the direction of the terrace, however, the neatly folded bedspread, comforter and scarf on one corner of his bed stops him. He looks out of his window. The sky's still dark. He steps outside, taking the steps. He doesn't find Taehyung in the living room. He frowns. He trudges back up the stairs and goes to the terrace. The singer is sitting in the spot where Yoongi had left him. Taehyung's back is facing him.

"We need to take the first train."

He speaks softly, not wanting to disturb the peaceful scene in front of him. It reminds him of the time the singer had been standing on their dorm's terrace a few days back. Taehyung's back visibly stiffens before it relaxes. Taehyung gets up from the spot and turns around slowly. His eyes are red. Yoongi swallows. "Taehy-"

"We should get ready then."

Yoongi isn't sure what he wants to say. He isn't sure what happened. He wants to stop the boy and apologise but, he is already gone and Yoongi is left behind, perplexed.


He showers quickly. Yoongi wakes his mother up, informing her that they'd be leaving for Seoul in an hour. He then proceeds to prepare breakfast for all three of them. Taehyung returns from shower when he is in the middle of preparation. After he is satisfied with his cooking, he takes them out to the dining space about to call his mother and Taehyung but, he finds them already seated at the table. His mother making small talk with the taller boy. Yoongi stops in his steps, surprised. Taehyung is sitting with his back straight, his head partially bowed and being very polite with his answers. However crazy Taehyung be may, Yoongi knows he is one of the rare few people Yoongi has met in his life who knows and understands and respects family values - something Yoongi really likes/admires about the other boy. His mother suddenly turns her head and asks him,

"Why are you standing there, Yoongi? Food will get cold."

Yoongi flushes and hurries to put the utensils in his hand on the table but, Taehyung gets up from his seat and takes them from him.

"I'll help you." He says.

They soon begin eating after Yoongi brings them spoon. They eat in silence and the rapper is totally fine with it. Taehyung offers to help him with clearing up the table but Yoongi dismisses it. Taehyung hurries to get his glasses and mask from Yoongi's room and then, they are leaving. Yoongi has changed into an old pair of clothes and he feels uncomfortable in the way they cling to him. Taehyung has changed into the clothes he was wearing while leaving from Seoul. The singer bows at his mother, thanking her before he steps out of the house. Yoongi hugs his mother, kissing her on the temple. He bends down to put his shoes on when he sees the small smile playing on her lips.

"Mother?" He asks, curious.

"He is a nice boy."

"Huh?" Yoongi blinks while fiddling with his shoe's laces.

"Taehyung - that kid is nice." He simply nods unable to discern what makes his mother suddenly think he is nice. After tying a nice knot, he picks his other shoe. "I'm glad you have him." His head snaps up.

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