Sabrina ran down the street, looking back every few seconds to see the boy still close behind her. "Come on," She groaned, seeing he was still behind her. She spat under her breath, turning a tight street corner before entering the first building she saw. Out of breath, she hid behind the door on the ground as she heard stomping run past the door in quick sprints.

"Is something wrong?" A voice asked as Sabrina looked up to see a young girl standing before her, holding a cup of coffee. Sabrina had entered a café, where two employees and the sole customer stood, all looking down at the girl.

"This guy... is chasing me... he knew my... my name." She gasped, holding her chest as the stranger stuck out her hand, hoping to help Sabrina up.

"You don't know him?" The girl asked as Sabrina shook her head confidently. 

"No...never met him."

"Well, shit. Alright. Let me help you out then. I can walk you to the police department, it's just a few blocks West." The stranger replied.

"No. No police. Can you just... walk me to the nearest bus stop? Maybe tell him off if he comes back?" She asked, taking the strangers hand as she helped Sabrina stand.

"Yeah, of course." The woman replied. "So... what's your name?"

"Sabrina." She answered, knowing she couldn't lie now that the screams of the strange boy were still ringing out on the sidewalk.

"I'm Aspen." The stranger replied as they shook hands. They exited the building together, peering down the side walk to keep an eye out for the boy.

"You from around here?"

"No, I like to travel." Sabrina exaggerated, not ready to tell her life story. Although she really only remembered the last decade or so- it was a private decade.

"So am I, my buddies and I are constantly running around the Northeast."

"What, spring break?"

"You could say that," Aspen replied, nodding as she sipped at the drink in hand.

"I appreciate you escorting me."

"It's no problem, this city is insane."

"Right? It's like everyone hates each other."

"Everyone's at war here."


"Eh, not the right word." She shrugged, sipping at her coffee again as Sabrina nodded.

Distant footsteps clanged against the pavement as the two slowed to a halt, turning around to see the boy from before running towards them.

"Again?!" Sabrina spat.

"Again?" Aspen asked, in confusion.

"That's her!" The boy slowed down, out of breath like he was going to collapse as Aspen gave him a look of shock.

"OH, THAT SABRINA!" Aspen called out, turning to Sabrina as she looked back at Aspen.

"You know him?" She asked in shock, as Aspen nodded and held out her hand.

"You do too," Aspen replied, opening her hand and blowing a purple cloud of glitter into Sabrina's face.

"What the-" The glitter seemed to sweep across her eyelids, almost intoxicating as Sabrina coughed and choked on it. Her coughing fit took the air from her lungs as she struggled to stand. Before long, her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she collapsed onto the ground.


Sabrina blinked a few times, dozing in and out of consciousness as she tried to regain her composure, but was still struggling to even see.

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