Chapter 3- Saving Life

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Alexis's P.O.V.

I started screaming at Desirae to wake up. I hate it when she passes out because it takes longer each time to get her up. "DESIRAE! WAKE UP! PLEASE! GET UP!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face. Nellie grabbed me and held me by my stomach. I was trying to break free and still screaming. I knew she wasn't going to let. "Calm down Lex" Nellie said to me with silent tears streaming down from her dark brown eyes. i looked at her and stopped moving. She walked me over to Niall. "She needs a hug... please" Nellie croaked out. Niall nodded solemnly and pulled me into the warmest hug ever.

Jarely's P.O.V.

Desirae looks so lifeless when she passes out. I gathered the girls except Alexis who was still in Niall's arms. "We got to go back to the mall and gather the things she needs". They nodded and i went over to Alexis to tell her. "We're going to the store to get the stuff Desi needs. Can you stay here and look after her?" i asked her. She nodded, her eyes puffy from crying so hard. We we're all fairly strong so i picked up Desirae, bridal style, tears threatening to fall from eyes. I had to let them. She usually controls it but i guess it became overwhelming for her. I handed her carefully to Alexis and she sat on, the hood of the car holding Desirae. We looked at her then started sprinting towards the mall not carrying for the shouts of 'Where are you going?' or the sobs of Alexis that seemed to get louder and louder. We needed to help Desirae wake up before it's too late.

Desirae's P.O.V.

Darkness. Total darkness. I hate it. I like all the colors, of course black being one of them, but being surrounded by it is too much. I knew what was happening because it happens everytime but  becomes more intense.


It was pouring down raing and it was covering my eyes like fog. There were peole trying to get into stores so they can make it to some shelter. There was a tornado and a hurricane coming to Kansas. I was visiting the Wizard of OZ museum and trying to find my car. People started screaming when the rain stopped completely. The tornado had touched ground. The air started picking up and it was a very light drizzle. I was trying to find my car and then i saw the sky getting darker. I found my car and got in. I felt like I was leaving something. I started it up and pulled off. I made it out the museum parking lot and was on the main road when i saw it. The tornado was less than a mile away from me so I made a U-turn and went up the main road. I picked up speed and so did the tornado. I was at an intersection and i didn't know which way to go. I guess time wasn't on my side when i felt myself being lifted off the ground. it was too late; i was in the tornado. I felt and heard my car being torn apart slowly. I heard faint scrams and then silence. I then remembered i left my daughter. She was the best mistake and i wouldn't take back the day i found out i was having her, ever. The car was broken now i'm in the tornado alone. I saw it coming towards me. It was a large peice of metal. I held my breath and waited for my heart to stop, but i landed on the ground with a soft thud. It was still raing lightly when i managed to catch my balance and ran back towards the gift store that was seperated from the museum. I saw the museum and ran a little faster. The museum was left untouched by the tornado, so i was praying the gift store was too. I went behind the museum and saw it. The gift store in peices and shreds of wood. I cried out in pain and hurt. I knew she was in there because i felt it. I ran over and called her name. No answer. I did it again but still no answer. I saw a light pink jacket under a peice of wood and i quickly reconigzed it. I grabbed the wood and lifted it up throwing it somewhere. I picked up the jacket and hugged it tightly still having the Strawberry Shortcake scent on it. I cried her name into it hoping she would appear, but she never did. I heard sirens and ran towards it. The rain had stopped completely, but my eyes were still blurry from the constant tears. They saw me and took me to the hospital. I cried so much i fell asleep dreaming and hoping my daughter will be in my arms when i wake up.


I miss my sweet Lianna (Lee-anna). I could me getting closer to water because the smell of salt water filled my nose. I felt sand and heard waves crashing. I knew I shouldn't leave them, but it's so peaceful here. I felt something cool and soothing on my forehead. An icepack. I knew what they were doing, but the darkness was fading away. It was becoming sunny and i could see everything. It looks like the becah me and Lianna built her first sandcastle on. I looked to my left and saw the sandcastle. I started walking towards it then i felt something tug on my heart. I looked up and saw the darkness coming back. i broke out into a cold sweat and started shaking violently. I then felt something warm against my cheek. Liam. I was being pulled back and then i felt more kisses on my cheek. Liam again. I felt my legs being bent so my knees were pointing up. I finally felt air in my stomach. It felt good to breath agin. My head was being held against someone's chest. Alexis. My eyes got heavy and I closed them. "Desirae? Can you hear me?" a faint voice asked. My eye lids become reddish-orange letting me know i was facing the sun. I became feeling heat again. The voice got louder and sounded strained as though they were crying. Tears fell down my closed eyes after I felt the life coming back to me. "Desirae, love? Please do something" I knew whose voice it was; it was Liam's. I put my knees down and moved closer to Alexis afraid i would fall. They gasped and then i opened my eyes slowly and took the ice-pack off my head. I realized i was still shaking so i calmed myself down. I squirmed a bit and sat up on Alexis's lap. My head started pounding and i closed my eyes. It hurt really bad. "Advil, Tylenol, Motrin... something" i croaked. I felt two pills being put in my hand along with a water bottle. I took the pills and realized something. It's way too quiet. I opened my eyes slowly and looked up. Everyone was standing in front of me. They looked sad and pained. "Guys, i'm fine. Can you please smile or do something happy?" I asked, my voice getting back to normal. I was squezzed/hugged by Alexis and said "Ouch!". She said a quiet 'sorry' and quickly let go of my stomach. Cameron asked, "Are you okay? I didn't call mom because i know you don't want her to know but i just-" "Cameron, I'm fine. Calm down bro". We both hugged, yet he hugged me gently and i kissed him on his cheek. "I'm fine. It's okay" he let go and gave me a small smile. The rest of the girls group hugged me then Harry, Niall, Zayn, Josh and J.B joined in. They backed away and i looked at Liam. He looked broken and depressed so i got up, caught my balance and walked over to him. "Liam? I'm fine, it's really oka-" he pulled me into a heart-warming hug before i could finish.

Liam's P.O.V. (*cheese*)

I'm so glad she's up. I couldn't bear to look at her lifeless body. It hurt too much and to see her get paler and paler each minute was just overwhelming. I wonder why she fainted? I'll ask her later. As i am hugging her, she feels a little cold. She starting to get warmer now and she smells like the ocean. Could i be falling for her?

Nellie's P.O.V.

They looked amazing together. I know Liam likes her, but is trying to figure it out himself. They pulled apart and looked at each other with happiness. Ki-ki covered my mouth in time as i squealed with delight. UGH! Why are they so adorable!? I stopped squealing and lokked at her to say 'Thank you'. She nodded and Desirae walked over to us. She was smiling the creepy smile. She squealed for five seconds and cleared her throat. We all giggled and then the guys looked at us in awe. "They giggled!" Josh (Devine) said and started laughing. That's when J.B and Cameron joined in the laughter.

Short chapter, but what do ya thinkies? Please comment so i know what to work on. Vote too because i like people... *looks around nervously* anyllama, read on my peeps!! Bay-Bye


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